You Can Also See Danny Hammond Speaking His Mind At "Deep Thoughts While Staring At A Wall"



Oh, I have puzzled over all of the usual suspects.  I had already lived through hundreds of sleepless nights abandoning them one at a time.  Borrowers calling me and almost begging me to help them save their homes in the face of the unknowable and unbelievable.  They all ticked off the same list to me.  No Promissory Note.  The Foreclosure was fraudulent.  They were ordered to miss two payments in order to qualify for a modification of the terms of their Promissory Note, the assignment of their mortgage (deed of trust) was fraudulent, they were not in default on their payment.

There were no dead-beat Borrowers contributing to the list.  I have never met a dead-beat Borrower.  That is the stuff of myth and legend.  Dead-beat Borrowers didn't call guys like me, because they weren't wanting to work it out, at least that is one theory why they didn't.

Everyone who called me for advice or strategies to save their house were pretty much right.  They were too convinced that all you had to do was call fraud and someone would make things right.  But, they were telling the truth and they were right.  I haven't seen a set of documents from a Borrower that shouldn't have sent someone straight to prison, but the Borrowers still didn't win much.

I screwed up because I trusted my American Dream.  I believed that no matter how crooked the government, the Wall Street dirt bags or the attorneys were, that the courts would hold the system to the line.


Believing that fairy tale cost me the years between 59 years old and 66 years old.  Because I, just like my clients, believed there was a hidden knock out blow that would cause all of the courts at the same time to see the light.


In the end, it is the courts.  It is quite universal.  The Constitution says that it is the burden of the foreclosing party to prove that the alleged borrower in their claim owed them money,   That they had the right to collect the money.  That if they couldn't collect the money then they could foreclose.  Notice that I said that the foreclosing party had to prove  they had suffered the injury of having provided the funding for the loan, or had purchased the loan with money and had not been paid back the money that they had invested.  The Supreme Court of the United States calls this injury and Injury in Fact.  In fact the old guys were quite brilliant.  When they formed the three separate branches of government they saw the brain twister that they were creating.  They made the federal judges remote from being beholden to campaign contributors by appointing the judges instead of having them have to be voted in like the executive and legislative branches.  So, they were going to have no worries about money, because they were going to be paid.  They were to be given absolute immunity for liability that might come from their decisions.  Even if they accepted a bribe, the parties could not sue them as individuals for corruption.  The framers saw this danger, but they considered it necessary.  You  really can't expect a judge to take the job if everyone that gets mad at them for a ruling sues their ass.  They knew some bad deals would go down, but this was the only way to get good men and women to serve.

But, this was seen as a grave danger.  They knew that the parties would fear being before a judge.  That attorneys, really scribes at the time would also fear the judge and that left open all sorts of opportunity for self-righteous or downright crooked acts akin to tyranny.

It was bad enough that state's rights folks like Thomas Jefferson feared a strong central government and others such as John Adams seeing a strong central government as best.  This argument wouldn't be settled for one hundred years with the American Civil War.  So, the brilliant resolution was to hold the Court (later the Supreme Court) to what is called "cases and controversies".   This standard means that a judge can't move the case forward unless the foreclosing party in its first pleadings claims to have suffered an Injury in Fact and proved this with "concrete and particularized" evidence and that this injury can be proven to have been caused by the borrower.

But, I can't find where anyone ever does that.  Judges in all of the hundreds of cases that I researched make the presumption that the foreclosing party has the right to collect money, declare default and foreclose on the Borrower.  Kind like getting mugged in an alley and when the police come to save you they kick you too.  It is called root law.  It comes from the basis of all American law, but I can find no cases where Injury in Fact is even mentioned.

So, I have told you here that I was going to do it.  I have too much at stake to just roll over for an alley mugging.  I have already noticed the federal judge, who has jacked me at every turn, in my case by way of a motion to dismiss, vacate and void my foreclosure pursuant to a lack of Standing of the foreclosing party (which like most of them in 2018 doesn't exist anyway) and therefore lack of Subject Matter Jurisdiction for the court leaving the court with no move but to vacate and void the foreclosure.  In it I made it clear that I was going to sue her as the individual she was every time she
ruled or ordered or wrote some latin things down.

I filed the motion and the federal court clerk stated that all opposing arguments were due by June 14th..  The foreclosing party, that doesn't exist, that claims to be in the largest bankruptcy in history did answer on the 14th.  The only documents recorded against my property since 2012, all showed the name of Ocwen Loan Servicing, LLC as the central character of a sale to buyer in Dec, 2017, Jan 2018 and March 2018 and looked like they had been written by Groucho and Chico Marx while Harpo was the lookout.  The number of laws broken since 2012 and now are much too lengthy to be explained here.

But, I am right.  This is the right time.  I am going to sue this judge and three others personally.  I am going to coach the lawsuits of four other judges for people I consult with.

But, strangely, as I said earlier, it all quiet on the front.  Not a word from the court.  Nothing.

Oh, but did I remember to tell you that one minute before filing the motion to dismiss, vacate, set aside and void the foreclosure, I filed a motion to disqualify a judge.  Everyone has the right to do this.  You need no reason.  You can do it once just because.  No more rules.  So, the reason I have not heard from the court is because that left my court with no one to rule.  ???

How did we get here?  Well, you see attorneys slowly became a cult.  These attorneys go before judges who are also attorneys.  A couple of hundred years later, they all came to believe something absolutely unintended by the framers.  I talked to 41 attorneys, 20 which were acquaintances of mine.  I asked them all the same question.  "Do you know any attorneys who would, if it was the best and intended remedy for a judge who ruled without subject matter jurisdiction would sue the judge as an individual in order to save their most precious possession, their home.  26 or so said that I was right about the remedy, but that I would never find an attorney who would do it, because the judge would take vengeance any attorney who would dare push back on a judge. 10 knew nothing about the subject matter and admitted that.  The rest only knew one thing.  They knew that they needed $5000.

So after seven years, I just had to know if I was right, or not.  I know I am, but look at the goofy moves Donald Trump has come up with and no one has laid a glove on him.

The last few days have been so odd.  I expected to hear banshees wailing from the federal courthouse that would be heard one hundred miles away.  I wouldn't have been surprised if US Marshalls knocked on my door.  But, know answer at all.  You know that there must be some serious discussions about the idiot "King of the Pro Se tribe".  But, nothing.

Even though I know I'm right, I have seen so much bizarre lying and fraudulent behavior, I just expected more than the Marx brothers Response mentioned above.

I should be working on the lawsuit already, but all 157 pages are already written.  Unless, someone does something knew and unexpected I am going to file it without reading it again.

So, if you are interested in what happens check back here on January 28th, 2019. There will be a lot to learn

My the force be with me.



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