You Can Also See Danny Hammond Speaking His Mind At "Deep Thoughts While Staring At A Wall"
Read on concerning "Issues that Danny Hammond cannot believe aren't headline news everywhere"?

Your paperwork is void ab initio (before it existed) just like those being foreclosed.  Don't bother acting smug.  You have been paying the wrong party since your loan was closed. I don't mean a few percent of the loans made on homes since 1995, or so.  I am convinced that it is probably every loan in America.

That is why not one politician, not even Elizabeth Warren is talking about redressing (a court ruling that makes things right) foreclosure fraud injuries to before 45 million Americans before right now?

Why aren't they.  My first thought 6 or 7 years ago was that it could create chaos in the American economy.  That's what all the real smart guys were saying.

Well we already got the damndest economic chaos of all time, and I'm including the Great Depression when I say that.  The end result is that less than 1% of Americans ended up with 90% of the wealth and our middle class has disappeared.

What could possibly be worse than that?  Nothing can be worse than that.

If we took all the stockbroking bankers that committed crimes and we put them in jail like any felonious lawbreaker, then gave all of swindled Borrowers their homes back or their lifesavings back, just what is the end result.

Well, wouldn't you just redistribute the formerly redistributed wealth back to where it came from before Banko Villa along Butch and Sundance raided our neighborhoods?

Now, the banking stockbrokers would be in jail and would need no money.  The middle class would be the middle class again with money to spend into our economy instead of that money sitting in foreign countries in laundered tax haven accounts.

What is wrong with that.  These bad guys murdered our economy. Murderers go to jail.  

These knuckleheads are still doing all the same stuff in title company and attorney home loan closings everyday. The government is doing nothing. I've seen it with my own eyes.  That's not heresay.  I have personally seen an overwhelming stream of f***ked up docs coming across the closing desks of the title companies and attorneys desks.

Our economy will not recover until all of this is fixed.  100% loans (called 80-20 loans) have popped again with a vengeance.  Why are they still doing it you might ask?  Because, no one has been punished. Name me one notorious participant in the worst and most damaging Ponzi Scheme in the history of the world who has even been indicted.

If this government and court system cannot figure out that criminal behavior must be dealt with criminal punishment, then hell, why don't we all just join them.  Let's all steal homes and money from each other.

Aren't you sick and tired of watching attorneys and judges half as smart as you stealing 90% of all the money in America with no fear of retribution?  I am.

"We are going to stop this type of big bank abuse", says  Hillary Clinton. 

"What about all of the big bank abuse of the last Twenty One years", says Danny Hammond.

Hillary and Bill have received more money from banks than any other politicians.  Some people will be mad that I just said that with no proof. My answer is that there is no proof that what I just said is wrong.

Hillary was offered and she accepted $677,00.00 from Goldman Sachs for three speaking engagements.

One of two things must be true.

1.  When the 1% took all of the money out of the economy, the money became worthless.  The 90% can't make anything for the 1% to buy and the 1% can't sell anything to the 90% because they have no money to spend.  (Like currency from the Confederacy at the end of the Civil War).


2.  Hillary has taken extraordinary bribes, which have been laundered by calling them speaking payments.

This situation would be rejected from the TV show "Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader" for being too stupid for anyone to miss.

You have just read Part One of things that Danny Hammond cannot believe are not being addressed, talked about or even mentioned, in relation to the Mortgage Crisis.

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Tags: Keywords Tags, filed as:Danny Hammond,subject matter jurisdiction,Article III,Article III of the United States of America,Challenging Standing under FRCP Rule 12 (b)(1)  in wrongful foreclosure,Injury in Fact requirement for standing to foreclose,challenge standing,injury in fact,wrongful eviction,self-help eviction,stop eviction,challenge standing, challenge subject matter jurisdiction, foreclosure attorneys, saving my family's home, affordable fraud defenses, pro se, learn what pro se means, fighting foreclosure, consultants,stopping foreclosure, I can represent myself against my lender,save my house,save my home,help me save my home;can't find a foreclosure fraud attorney.Ocwen,Ocwen Loan Servicing, LLC,Fannie Mae, Federal National Mortgage Association,Green Tree, Nationstar,LITTON LOAN SERVICING,RESIDENTIAL CREDIT,RESCAP LIQUIDATION TRUST,COUNTRYWIDE  HOME LOANS,ARGENT MORTGAGE CORPORATION,AMERIQUEST,AMERICA'SWHOLESALELENDERS,FREEMONTMORTGAGE SECURITIES CORPORATION,FREEMONT INVESTMENT LOAN,CITIMORTGAGE,HSBC MORTGAGE CORP,TAYLOR BEANE & WHITAKERMORTGAGE CORP,FANNIE MAE,FREDDIE MAC,GINNIE MAE,WACHOVIA MORTGAGE CORPORATION,BANK OF AMERICA,ADVANCE MORTGAGE CORPORATION,JP MORGAN CHASE,CHASE MORTGAGE CORPORATION,INDYMAC BANK FSB,AMERICAN HOME MORTGAGE,PEOPLES BANK,SUNTRUST BANK,FINANCE AMERICA, LLC,INTERBAY FUNDING, LLC,PULASKI BANK,UNITED FIDELITY FUNDING CORPORATION,WORLD SAVINGS BANK,WELLS FARGO BANK N.A.,GMAC MORTGAGE,GMAC Mortgage, LLC,DHI MORTGAGE COMPANY LTD,CARRINGTON MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST,Carrington Mortgage,FRANKLINBANKSSB,BANK OF AMERICA,NEW CENTURY MORTGAGE,MORTGAGE ONECORP,MORTGAGE LENDER'S NETWORK USA, INC.,AEGIS FUNDING CORP,WILMINGTON FINANCE,a division of AIG Federal Savings Bank,Caliber Mortgage,US BANK N.A.,RESCAP GMAC MORTGAGE LLC FEDERAL BANKRUPTCY FRAUD, Deutsche Bank,Deutsch Bank National Trust Company as Trustee,Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas as Trustee,US Bank N.A. as Trustee,Bank of New York as Trustee