You Can Also See Danny Hammond Speaking His Mind At "Deep Thoughts While Staring At A Wall"



Price earnings ratios are at record highs taking on average some 27 years to make the cost of the stock in earnings. That is insane. 

The normal P/E ratio has always been half of that.

Policy has been based upon the average working person being inconsequential. So it didn't 
bother the multinationals who gave up on the American working class and set their sights onselling to Chinese companies and people. 

With that philosophy it didn't matter that American homeowners lost more than $10 trillion in illegal mortgages, illegal foreclosures and outright theft. But genius runs thin at the upperechelons of people in power who are just about as dumb as anyone else. They never thought through the fact that ONLY a thriving middle class in the U.S. would be the safety net for 
American companies who had given up on anything that was American. To say they were all 
shortsighted is being too generous.

Free money is what floated the market prices up and it is exactly the same thing that will bring it down. Over 50% of all stock owned is with "margin" money which in lay terms is a loan using the stock as collateral. 
The stock goes down and that causes a "margin call" which means you don't have enough collateral and the only way you meet the margin call is by selling more stock. See "Housing 
Market" if this is sounding familiar.

When Wells Fargo released their Q4 earnings last week. As oil prices have fallen, energy 
investors were concerned about the impact on domestic shale. However, investors should 
have been concerned when the nation’s largest mortgage lender released their residential 
mortgage applications data. The chart shows that $64 billion in mortgage applications weresubmitted in the fourth quarter, not only was this a major drop from Q3, but also the lowest 
number of applications submitted since the first quarter of 2014.

So economic activity has already fallen by half --- except for false reports from the financial
sector that now accounts for 48% of our GDP when 20 years ago it accounted for 16% of 
GDP. Let me clear the smoke in the room --- if actual goods and services are down there is 
nothing REAL to be traded on Wall Street that would account for its phenomenal growth in 
importance in our GDP. Eventually the bubbles burst. Careful this one doesn't catch you 

Is This is What a Housing Recovery Looks Like?

Furthermore, the US Treasury is cracking down on criminal and money laundering “all
cash” buyers. In Miami, anyone paying “cash” for a property over $1 million dollars will be
under financial scrutiny to “prove” the cash is from “legitimate” sources. They have also
issued the same policy for buyers in New York City that pay cash for homes over $3 million.

Eventually this practice will probably become widespread to all major U.S. city. This policy will do nothing but shift investments into other assets or raw land elsewhere (the wealthy
have the means to invest off-shore).
This is not what a housing recovery would look like. Are consumers too broke to purchase ahome? Are home prices to high?, or have people finally came to understand the risks of 
taking out a mortgage from a major lender who will securitize their loan and transfer the 
servicing rights to a company that, if they should encounter any financial setbacks, is 
incentivized (greedy enough) to take their home to pay of their SHORT?

Meanwhile, Goldman Sachs has received an insignificant slap on the hand for their role in
the 2007 mortgage meltdown by paying a civil settlement of up to $5 billion from federal
prosecutors and regulators because of their marketing and selling of known faulty mortgage securities to investors, while KNOWING these securities were worthless.

This is a criminal matter with evidence, and yet the regulatory agencies and law enforcementdo nothing to stop the fraud, thus perpetuating the corruption. (So, again the stock/banks 
have been warned not to do it again going forward, there is no mention of how to redress 
the 13 million families displaced who lost everything.DLH)

Goldman Sachs announced:

Under the terms of the agreement in principle, the firm will pay a $2.385 billion civil
monetary penalty, make $875 million in cash payments and provide $1.8 billion in
consumer relief. The consumer relief will be in the form of principal forgiveness for
underwater homeowners and distressed borrowers; financing for construction,
rehabilitation and preservation of affordable housing; and support for debt restructuring,
foreclosure prevention and housing quality improvement programs, as well as land banks.

The bankers have received a “get out of jail card” because they are able to blackmail and
control the politicians that control the prosecutors and regulators. Is there any other
explanation? If you or I steal a candy bar, we are going to jail and getting booked. If we
steal a couple billion through securitization schemes we might be deposed and subsequently promoted for protecting the bank. It is no coincidence that Rubin and Paulson who were
CEOs at Goldman Sachs were promoted to Secretary of the Treasury after they ran as the
blocking back for their employer. The corrupt racquet known as the “revolving door”
ensures that bankers remain above the law.

In the movie the "BIG SHORT", there is a scene where a party girl lounging at a ritzy hotel
pool is shown looking for a job with Goldman Sachs despite the fact at the time that she is an SEC regulator. She has no consideration about the conflict of interest, but is more
concerned about how to leverage her current position for more pay and prestige. To hell
with the law or protecting investors. Another scene depicts how the rating agencies sell
their ratings and how their ratings are not based on any type of logical algorithm!

In any other industry these practices would be considered racketeering, bribery, and
FRAUD. The bankers, regulators and politicians have no fear that there will be consequences for their behavior. Why should they? Not one banker involved in mortgage security fraud has been charged with a crime. In fact a fine of $5 billion dollars while they made billions
and billions in profit is nothing but a “cost of doing business” fee! Unfortunately, as long as the elite can profit off the backs of the consumer and investors with no real oversight, then
every borrower and investor is vulnerable to market and housing losses.
The take away message is that the law now protects those who generate wealth for their 
wealthy friends in high places. The other 99.9% of us are on our own. The wolf is circling 
the hen house, while the border collie takes bribes of the neighbors chicken from the wolf.  
There is little protection from government agencies, politicians or the judiciary when they 
are all benefiting from the same system for personal enrichment. Where is law enforcement when all of this is going down? They are receiving “cool toys” or decommissioned military 
equipment from the feds, and promises of a safe pension from the state while getting to play cowboywhile the average American’s quality of life plummets. As for the housing market?  
Enter at your own risk.

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Tags: Keywords Tags, filed as:Danny Hammond,subject matter jurisdiction,Article III,Article III of the United States of America,Challenging Standing under FRCP Rule 12 (b)(1)  in wrongful foreclosure,Injury in Fact requirement for standing to foreclose,challenge standing,injury in fact,wrongful eviction,self-help eviction,stop eviction,challenge standing, challenge subject matter jurisdiction, foreclosure attorneys, saving my family's home, affordable fraud defenses, pro se, learn what pro se means, fighting foreclosure, consultants,stopping foreclosure, I can represent myself against my lender,save my house,save my home,help me save my home;can't find a foreclosure fraud attorney.Ocwen,Ocwen Loan Servicing, LLC,Fannie Mae, Federal National Mortgage Association,Green Tree, Nationstar,LITTON LOAN SERVICING,RESIDENTIAL CREDIT,RESCAP LIQUIDATION TRUST,COUNTRYWIDE  HOME LOANS,ARGENT MORTGAGE CORPORATION,AMERIQUEST,AMERICA'SWHOLESALELENDERS,FREEMONTMORTGAGE SECURITIES CORPORATION,FREEMONT INVESTMENT LOAN,CITIMORTGAGE,HSBC MORTGAGE CORP,TAYLOR BEANE & WHITAKERMORTGAGE CORP,FANNIE MAE,FREDDIE MAC,GINNIE MAE,WACHOVIA MORTGAGE CORPORATION,BANK OF AMERICA,ADVANCE MORTGAGE CORPORATION,JP MORGAN CHASE,CHASE MORTGAGE CORPORATION,INDYMAC BANK FSB,AMERICAN HOME MORTGAGE,PEOPLES BANK,SUNTRUST BANK,FINANCE AMERICA, LLC,INTERBAY FUNDING, LLC,PULASKI BANK,UNITED FIDELITY FUNDING CORPORATION,WORLD SAVINGS BANK,WELLS FARGO BANK N.A.,GMAC MORTGAGE,GMAC Mortgage, LLC,DHI MORTGAGE COMPANY LTD,CARRINGTON MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST,Carrington Mortgage,FRANKLINBANKSSB,BANK OF AMERICA,NEW CENTURY MORTGAGE,MORTGAGE ONECORP,MORTGAGE LENDER'S NETWORK USA, INC.,AEGIS FUNDING CORP,WILMINGTON FINANCE,a division of AIG Federal Savings Bank,Caliber Mortgage,US BANK N.A.,RESCAP GMAC MORTGAGE LLC FEDERAL BANKRUPTCY FRAUD, Deutsche Bank,Deutsch Bank National Trust Company as Trustee,Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas as Trustee,US Bank N.A. as Trustee,Bank of New York as Trustee