You Can Also See Danny Hammond Speaking His Mind At "Deep Thoughts While Staring At A Wall"


I have never seen a judge do the one thing that if he or she doesn't do, he or she is open to be sued by a party for damages they cause when they rule in cases that are not eligible to be cases.  Judges have been forcing the Borrowers to carry the "burden of proof".  This is exactly the opposite of what the constitution provides as civil rights to every citizen and that the Supreme Court has defined in elegant simple terms.  So, if and when you contact me, I will be explaining the above to you because there is no chance on earth that it isn't or hasn't happened to you.

So, the moratorium makes the government and the judiciary and the Wall Street Racketeers look really good because they didn't allow foreclosing to happen.  But, it is a trap and the noose is tightening.  Here is what I think is going to happen.  Everyone either lost their job, couldn't go to their job, or customers were not allowed to go to their place of business.  We will all be broke when they lift the moratorium and allow foreclosing again.  Many borrowers will be easy pickings for greedy sociopaths in the Racketeering Mortgage world.   But, since 1999 the government has not protected borrowers at all.  Judges during this period did not care to even check to see if the foreclosing party could prove it had paid any money to gain the right to foreclose.  Why would you believe they will do the right thing now.  Learn about your civil rights.  If we forget to use them, we will forget we have them.  This is what your foreclosure case is really all about.

The foreclosing parties haven't been following the law for 20 years.  This mad rush to foreclose is going to be seen as "an opportunity" by everyone we should be able to count on.  They are going to set Wall Street (which owns all of the big banks and our government) loose immediately before people can repair the damage of 60 million people collecting unemployment insurance.  I think it is going to be worse than 2007, 2008, and 2009 put together.  I think I can protect people, but I need to get the word out.  I can only help a few.  Go to my website and really read just where my ten years of trying figure this all out got me to.  The answers that look complicated are actually simple, but a lot of people need to take these actions because it is universal all judges are doing it.  We will need the media and numbers get the media involved.  Go to The Foreclosure Group & Danny Hammond website and look at the articles on Standing and Subject Matter Jurisdiction.  My website is free.  Spread the word.