You Can Also See Danny Hammond Speaking His Mind At "Deep Thoughts While Staring At A Wall"

Read More "When Is The Right Time To Sue Your Judge"

READ MORE:  When is the right time to Sue Your Judge

There is nothing you can do to make this guy you are still allowing to run your case even once he is no longer a judge, do anything in his court with what he thinks is his case.  

I used to see “suing a judge" as a move of last resort.  Not now.  Once he moves the court forward before you have seen his report on whether or not during his review he read that the foreclosing party was complaining of having suffered “an injury in fact”, you don’t have a judge. 

You have to March over to the nearest federal district court and file a complaint against the imposter civilian. We have to have our complaints already written and ready to file. 

This is what causes everyone to freak out and how cases get so complicated. We keep filing all kinds of shit into a court case which never got through the review process, then later we want to complain about how the judge who isn't there did not listen. 

This is all so insane once you learn the rules that no judges are obeying. 

Tom that is so counterintuitive. We aren’t those unaware dumb fucks anymore. 

I have a question for you. Would you let a giant duck in a police uniform and a badge that has “Pirates of the Caribbean Police Department” stamped on it, cuff you and take you out of your home at 3 am? 

I am not sure how to prove it, but I wiil know by morning. I don’t think I have the right to file anything into a court case or even attend hearings when the case has no judge. 

Who would I tell that I real feel good about that citizen who isn’t a judge and I'm really think he would be my choice? 

It seems to me that it is just like a bar fight. Someone comes up to you talking smack, you gotta punch him hard as you can before he can hit you. 

Remember what I have said. The only person in a court case who is comfortable is the judge. He can’t lose. 

It is our civic duty to take him out of his comfort zone. I have seen it posted down at the bus station.

When he is sweating at night in bed having panic attacks, he might remember the oaths that he has taken and then forsaken. 

I’m just sayin’.