You Can Also See Danny Hammond Speaking His Mind At "Deep Thoughts While Staring At A Wall"


What possible tricky angle can you present to a stupid bully that can't even understand what you have written?  The only possible strategy is to make them understand that you absolutely intend to ruin their reputation and their career.  You already know that they are not smart enough to understand their duties.

You are going to get mowed down like 20 million others if you don't quit relying on finding the “AHA!” moment.  I had two NJ borrowers that have visited with me for three years but never really listened, get evicted this very week.  They tried to combine what I am saying with what their attorney advised. The two trains of thought cancel each other out.  They are in conflict with each other. They are mutually exclusive.

You try to tell me exactly the same things they have.  Word for word. When you look at my website, do you read the words? I believe it is more comprehensive than any other website I have found.  Is it because I am smarter than the authors of those websites? No, it is because they are attorneys and I am not. Their goal is to sell advertising space.  My goal is to tell Borrowers how to escape a powerful and awful truth. Their government and their courts, even their country is in crisis. Only by insisting that these institutions follow the law can they rescue their home and families.

There is no silver bullet Richard.  There are only guts, determination and the remedies provided by the framers of the constitution.  These brilliant ancients never drove a car on paved roads, nor flew through the sky in airplanes, yet they predicted today's crisis with uncanny accuracy.  They embedded the brakes to stop judges and members of the government from gaining unlimited power for any reason. They had just fought a terrible and bloody eleven-year war against a tyrant.  They insisted that judges should never build mini-dictatorships.

Richard, you are so concerned with finding someone to tell you the answer that you don't realize that you really don't understand the gravity of the situation.  It is not about any one individual. I wish I could have been successful in building a cooperative coalition to throw its weight against the menace of greed and sociopathy.  I want to quit every day. I want to sit and wait for someone to do something. But, that is a recipe for disaster. No one is doing anything now, are they?

So, I seem destined to throw myself into the breach no matter what the cost.  Maybe I will be rolled over. Maybe no one will even notice. I wish to see others join me and all help to become a wave that will wash this troubled time away from our history.  There is a saying that I use often in my writing. "If not now, then when? If not me, then who?"

This message may not be what you wanted to hear.  But I am right. D.