You Can Also See Danny Hammond Speaking His Mind At "Deep Thoughts While Staring At A Wall"



Believe it or not, homeowners who have never missed a payment have the same issues as those behind in their payments. NEITHER homeowner is paying the lender that actually gave them the money in the first place.  No one is paying a "lender" or an entity which legally bought their Promissory Note with money and can prove it.  All of us have been paying the wrong guys since the closing of our loans.

Of course, there is a lot more to it, and I am very passionate about stopping it.  For five years I have had no other career except helping families being hurt deeply with fraudulent foreclosure schemes, scams and artifices (federal judges use that last term and now, so do I) to fight a legal and righteous fight to protect and keep their home.  I have spent all $220,000 of the liquid life savings of my wife and I.  That sounds like quite a bit, but it was even more to us.  It was every nickel we had.  It has been a grind.  But, what we figured out about winning against the largest gangster racketeering Ponzi scheme of all time was worth it.  I guess in a way we were paying tuition for an education.

It really is a damn shame.  I have actually interviewed 111 attorneys and only 3 of them understood any mortgage foreclosure laws, or really any relevant issues.  The 3 that did said they couldn’t figure out how they could make any money with any cases.  No they couldn’t, because they didn’t take the time to think about it.  I know how they can win and get paid right away.  But, I never got a chance to explain my ideas.

So, my idea of helping has morphed into a plan where I now am mostly helping clients who can’t afford an attorney to begin the process of filing their own lawsuit and, for as long as necessary, continue representing themselves until we can find attorneys who will join in (easy out there my little lawyer esquires).

But we have to show them. If we can push our cases to a certain phase where attorneys can see that it is possible to win, then of course they will join in.
Homeowners from our little association of Pro Se Borrowers have won 4 times lately.  In this most average difficulty case the Borrowers received punitive damages of Two Million, Three Hundred Forty Seven Thousand dollars, actual damages of $252,000. Also, the fraudulent liens were cleared from the client’s $600,000 house. Yes, Borrowers can win, 

See Judge Marco Roldan's Orders on this case at:

I need to explain is why I took on this fight.  I, like all of the clients that I consult for, believed you just had to have an attorney.  I could see no way that any layman borrower could figure out themselves how to beat these incredibly rich and dishonest Wall Street brokers, bankers, attorneys, and our own Federal Government. A government that has been looking the other way to protect the big banks for 15 years.

But, it turned out that we, the borrowers, have several advantages.  The smartest and richest lawyer in the country cannot beat you when there case is based on fraud and real property theft, if you know the law and just a few procedural requirements.  

We have read everything that the bad guys have written in hundreds of cases.  They just can’t stop themselves from telling us what they are afraid of.  If you know what they are afraid of, then you can attack that.  

You know what we found?  They don’t have a case.  Oh sure, they have won ten million times.  But they didn’t do it face to face with the old laws.  They sure didn’t.  When 99.9999% of Borrowers who have been foreclosed on did not know that they had been cheated and defrauded and did not go to court and try to fight, they were easy to beat.

Knowledge is Power.

I am from Kansas City.  The biggest county in our metro is Jackson County, MO.  For the last four years there have been 300 illegal non-judicial foreclosures in this one moderate county per month.  That is 3,600 illegal non-judicial foreclosures per year in Jackson County, MO alone.  Do you want to know how many Borrowers filed cases to prove that the Fictitious Payee that they were paying did not give them any money?  25 in three years.  25.  This is why the judges didn’t believe there was a problem.  No one ever came to them.  But, that is changing rapidly.  Borrowers are winning just lawsuits all over the country. 
It is illegal to collect money against a Promissory Note from a homeowner that you did NOT lend to.  It is also illegal and illogical.

Now, if there are 3,600 illegal non-judicial foreclosures in Jackson County, MO alone each year, and if there are 3,143 counties or county equivalents in the United States, and if good old mediocre Jackson County will suit for an average number per year, then Jackson County’s 3,600 illegal foreclosures per year X 3,143 counties  =  Eleven Million Three Hundred Fourteen Thousand Eight Hundred (11,314,800) fraudulent foreclosures in our nation.
Now let’s take that over just the last four years.  There have been 14,400 families illegally displaced (simple to prove) from their homes in just good ‘ol Jackson County, MO alone.  This sounds like numbers from an African or Middle Eastern conflict.  But, no, this is just one county in the Midwest of the United States of America.
Let’s finish this estimation.  If there are 11,314,800 families estimated to have been fraudulently and illegally displaced from their homes as an average for the 3,143 counties nationwide in the United States of America in the last year, then what is the total for the four most recent years?
We have deduced that in Jackson County, Missouri there were 14,400 families displaced from their homes.  Take this 14,400 families X the 3143 counties = Forty Five Million, Two Hundred Fifty Nine Thousand, Two Hundred (45,259,200) sets of parents who had to tell their children that they were going to have to change schools. Parents who didn’t have the money for the rental truck or the time from work to move.  They no longer had the credit to rent something that would now cost them more than their home payment had been.

These parents did not go to court because there was not one attorney within 500 miles of them that even had an inkling of what was going on.  Well except those few attorneys that were representing the fraudulent foreclosing parties (aka the “Bad Guys”)
But they weren’t going to tell us now, were they?

This blog and our website are going to go at this a different way in helping Borrowers in a jam. 

There are incredibly smart macro economists, US law advocates, and a few politicians like Elizabeth Warren and her growing horde of revolutionary political insurgents that are working hard to change the way home lending will be done in the future. They want to  Jail some Banksters!  Bring back the important bank regulatory laws!  Bulldoze Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac into the Atlantic Ocean!  Please have them do it!
We need these people we really do.  What a conversation we could all have.  Them as the generals, with the overall strategies for the future, and  you and I as the ground troops in the trenches, with gun powder on our faces trying to hold our ground and our homes while being shot to pieces by the Fictitious Payees and the Imposter Foreclosers.   (Those are legal terms, really!  Watch the video on this blog, or on our website.)

Then there are the bankruptcy attorneys, sucking up all of the space advertising space concerning how to save a home from foreclosure by…..filing bankruptcy.  Bankruptcy may be a good strategy for many situations, but the laws of this country are very good.  It is the enforcement of them that is lacking.  Bankruptcy is NOT a good remedy against mortgage fraud. It can be a useful stall, but not such a good solution. 

Remember that I said I have personally tried to talk to 111 attorneys? Many of them were bankruptcy attorneys.  When interviewing an attorney just don't even mention that you would like to prove to the court that your real "Lender" is not the same entity as the one you are paying.  They will look at you as if you were Beelzebub.

No, I believe that there is a simpler and less expensive way to represent yourself using a document and strategy consultant and sue the bastards yourself, with confidence. 

This was part one of (?) “IF YOU CAN’T AFFORD AN ATTORNEY IT IS LEGAL AND POSSIBLE TO REPRESENT YOURSELF.”  If you are close to foreclosure, in foreclosure, or it has already happened (even if it was years ago, you can still win and get even with the house pirates) contact us and ask questions.  We answer questions for free.

Your loyal servant,
Danny Hammond


If you would like to read more articles concerning foreclosure fraud answers by Danny Hammond Go to this website: