by Danny Hammond
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By that I mean I have learned that there is so much myth and legend flying about, that when they become involved in a (fraudulent) foreclosure action, they have no base of knowledge. I want to find out what is hurting them and their family the most.
The number 1 answer is:
"I have a sale date and I am afraid I have to be out of my house on that date, or the Sheriff will come and take our belongings."
Well that one is a myth. It is very confusing, but the Sheriff's office is not involved yet and he has no concern about you. In a Non-Judicial foreclosure state like Missouri, your sale has not been "approved" by anyone. No Judge. No Sheriff. No one. It is just part of our very unfair foreclosure laws, but your lender can just sell your house without any approval. But, you are still in possession. If you don't leave right away, the (I don't want to say Lender) Lender has to sue you for possession and that will take at least two months. There are several difficult issues to face, but you have time.
If you leave. If you just get a truck, tell your kids they must leave their home and school, and you drive away that is the end.
If you stop and fight back (when you have the information that I want you to have) you have a very good chance of proving that the "Imposter", or "Fictitious Payee" (like those names? they really are what a fraudulent lender is called in Missouri statute (law)) Back to what I was saying. If you fight you have the advantage, your "Fictious Payee" is not used to it. He has no case and you do. But, it isn't easy. But, it isn't easy to leave your home either.
None of this is as hard as it seems at first. But, this isn't what you have been thinking about for 5 years. I have been and I have the backround. You have choices, and I will help you decide if you can handle them.
But, here are some solutions that are myth and legend. When you learn a little more, you WILL NOT consider these: Dead in Lieu of Foreclosure; Short Sale (Oh God No); Modification (if there was such a thing) etc. etc. These are the choices your Imposter Lender is needing you to make. They all are bad choices. It would be better to just sit in your house as long as you can to save money for your move. Those choices help the bad guys.
But if you want to follow the law. Good, very old laws that were meant to protect everyone on both sides, then yes you can fight. If everyone follows the law (Great Expectations) you will win. My team and I can help to very inexpensively get you going.
That is all I can write today. We have some deadlines and we have spent time rebuilding our website and creating this blog (Welcome to the 21st century Danny). But, if you want to know more now, then visit our website. I have placed more than ten of my videos there. They are free now, but I will
need to charge later to pay expenses. Please give some feed back and let me know if they are helpful and if my explanations are simple enough to follow. That's my goal. That's all today, but tomorrow I am going to start keeping you up on what is really going on. You will only find the truth here. D.
Website: Check us out on Facebook. I only said that because the whole world does. But, you can. Facebook: Mortgage Fraud Consultant Group.