You Can Also See Danny Hammond Speaking His Mind At "Deep Thoughts While Staring At A Wall"

Friday, January 1, 2016





"Justice is indiscriminately due to all, without regard to numbers, wealth, or rank."

                                                                 John Jay, in Georgia v. Brailsford, 1794

By Danny "I was there" Hammond     Pro Se Borrower Advocate

All that has ever ensured that the United States of America would remain the universally admired world leader in democratic protection of life, liberty and the pursuit of justice has been the US Constitution and the state laws cloned from it. The danger ever present is that our society as a whole will slowly erode the power of this Constitution which is metaphorically "the hand on the throttle".

Each time someone takes the law into their own hands without the retribution directed by our laws, we grow closer to the Orwellian world of the novel“1984”. It seems that after 15 years of complete Federal and State Government inaction in response to the illegal and wrongful foreclosure of homes without any right to do so, and the displacement of millions of families without the intervention of these authorities which are charged with upholding the enforcement of the laws which are relevant to these crimes, We are already able to see the breakdown of the very recognition of actual law which is being replaced with individual perception of what should be the law.

This defines broken jurisprudence.

Self enacted laws followed by self enforcement of those laws by those without authority are sure to cross the line of law as it becomes obscured.  If justice is not applied according to law, then the insidious encroachment of the Constitution will eventually erode its' power and the reverence of its' people.

On September 10th, 2015 the Belton MO police department headed by police chief James Persons and city attorney Megan McGuire looked the other way as two rogue police officers (Officer S. Bechtel and Officer Johnathan Doe) acting on their own, while proudly admitting that they had no authorization from anyone but themselves, they then evicted local resident Danny Hammond and his family without due process as is required by ancient and unchanged laws.

The officers had no writ; no warrant; no judgment or even a Sonic receipt.  They had no paperwork which they casually admitted and then verbally attributed their presence to a damning conversational accusation by a lightly regarded real estate sales person by the name of Ryan Rader of Keller Williams Real Estate of Lees Summit a self proclaimed "agent" of Fannie Mae.

Strangely, the police each had tiny note pads and tiny pencils, but did not write any tiny notes.

This very heavy handed police action was more astonishing as this police department is currently under investigation for  workplace sexual harassment.  Don't quote me just because I wrote it here, but I kind of believe that Chief Persons is a prime suspect.

With Mr. Hammond at the time of the occupant "smack down" was only one other person, his19 month old grandson.  The two jackbooted officers in full regalia with flack jackets and guns told Mr. Hammond that he was “going to jail and seemed quite agitated when Hammond asked these lawmen, under which statutes were they operating.  Mr. Hammond tried to give them a short seminar on foreclosure and eviction law, but it seemed that the arrest of a desperado was more thrilling and they cut off the discussion, but then added, "and you better get someone over here fast to get that baby or we are going to turn him over to family services" seemingly intent on jailing my whole gang.

"Standing in my living room feeling the noose around my neck and here, under control of  these mental midgets who were authorized to use guns to arrest babies and were railroading me to the big house with a verbal "complaint" from a "real property law" expert witness who's single credential is a real estate sales person license.  His name is Ryan Rader and he was and is a Stranger to the Deal (a real legal term)-

I was going to the big house over the verbal testimony of a fellow with a house tour guide license.   I resolved then and there that if the Belton, MO jail had a law library, that I was going to look up both state and Federal rules of evidence in case I had missed something.  I read more than anyone and I have never read any of this.

Lastly, in the most intimidating of tones,  Mr. Hammond received his sentencing and
additional threats, ending with,  "You are going to come with us right now and we are taking you to jail and when you get out you are not to come back to this house".

"Personal property or not" shouted Officer Jonathon Doe, "if you come back we will throw you in jail again!".   "As many times as we have to."