You Can Also See Danny Hammond Speaking His Mind At "Deep Thoughts While Staring At A Wall"

Monday, December 5, 2022

If You Have Read "The Big Short"; You Probably Had Trouble With Determining What Was Going On. It Was One Thing: Predatory Adjustable Rate Mortgages. Tens Of Millions of Them Written to Fail On A Known and Certain Date

"You know what's wrong with this country, baby?... A man can't stay honest, even if he wants to."

                                                                    ‒ Raymond Chandler, 'Farewell, My Lovely'.

by Danny Hammond co-writer Nickyb

More conversations with Tom Kibler, a genuine American hero.

Tom, you have again troubled me in a way that urges me to point out a suggestion that is on my mind.

I believe that you are overestimating your readers attention spans.

I have been diagnosed with ADHD as I think you know.  In fact I took my Adderall this morning.  I lack some ability to focus.  That is partly due to my ability to comprehend at a very quick rate.  Once I see where any writing is heading I want and need bullet points to tell me what the writer wants me to do.

I am supposed to be pretty smart.  My IQ was once measured to be 150 (That is probably a useless sentence since I can’t figure out how that test works or how it can possibly mean anything)

Like Van Halen pointed out in their hit song “Gee, I don’t feel tardy”.

Anyway, you have never ceased to get your message in front of people who could, or should work your side of the street.  You are the best at finding people who literally have a duty to be in the way of the judiciary continuing to violate the constitution in new foreclosure fraud and old foreclosure fraud.  You deeply and savagely don't just want your house left alone, you want everyone to keep their home or get it back.

But you know so much information and you know it so well that, you I believe you try to communicate more in each writing than the reader can digest at one setting.  I think you should feed them in pieces.  In order.  But, remember I don't always listen to me.
Your retention of cases, law, statute and people is absolutely amazing.