Read More About The Danger Of Trying to Get A Loan Modification To Protect Your Home. It Would Take Magic To Get To Work As Intended

So, I will try to explain how and why a modification of your loan was supposed to be done when you got behind and just wanted to do the right thing to catch up. 

Did any of you get a modification and worked out in the long term. Is this what you experienced? 

It was not what I observed. However, I am biased. I have only seen con-schemes designed to steal homes without Standing to do so. 100% of Borrowers have tried everthing, that includes loan modifications over seen by the bad guys.

So, if you had a great experience with a modification please let us know. I need to be fair and look at what happened with successful "modifications" loans. (Comment to me at 

The U.S. Department Of Treasury is the oversight of the HOME AFFORDABLE MODIFICATION ACT (HAMP),

It was a very good law as written, but the Treasury left it up to the Lender or Servicer to administrate your modification  So, those are the two first complaints I get when people are asking for my help  Servicers and Modification.  Who could not know that is putting the fox into the hen house. 

The Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP) Is the largest program within MHA. The goal set for HAMP’s is to offer homeowners who are at risk of foreclosure a fair deal to get reduced monthly mortgage payments that are affordable and sustainable over the long-term. 

HAMP was designed to help families who are struggling to remain in their homes and show: 

Documented financial hardship.
An ability to make their monthly mortgage payments after a modification. 

 HAMP is a voluntary program that supports servicers’ efforts to modify mortgages, while protecting taxpayers’ interests. To protect taxpayers, MHA housing initiatives have pay‐for‐ success incentives. This means that funds are spent only when transactions are completed and only as long as those contracts remain in place. 

Therefore, funds will be disbursed over many years. 

Starting in the summer of 2012, the scope of the program will expand to help even more families in need. 

HAMP works by encouraging participating mortgage servicers to modify mortgages so struggling homeowners can have lower monthly payments and avoid foreclosure. It has specific eligibility requirements for homeowners and includes strict guidelines for servicers. The program includes incentives for homeowners, servicers, and investors to encourage successful mortgage modifications

Families in this program typically reduce their monthly payments by a median of more than $530 each month. But the program’s impact goes even further. HAMP has also encouraged private lenders to modify mortgages at no expense to taxpayers. When the housing crisis began, the mortgage industry was ill-equipped to respond adequately. Mortgage servicers had insufficient resources to address the needs of a market that was reeling from increasing foreclosures. In addition, their servicing expertise and infrastructure was limited to overseeing collections and foreclosing on those who failed to pay. They did not have the systems, staffing, operational capacity, or incentives to engage with homeowners on a large scale and offer meaningful relief from unaffordable mortgages. 

Before HAMP, there was no standard approach among loan servicers or investors about how to help homeowners who wanted to keep making payments, but needed mortgage assistance. 

By setting standards for what constitutes a sustainable modification across the mortgage industry, HAMP has helped to make private loan modifications more affordable for homeowners. 

In fact, thanks in part to HAMP, the proportion of private loan modifications that reduce monthly payments for homeowners has more than doubled. Together, public and private efforts have helped nearly 5 million Americans get mortgage assistance to prevent avoidable foreclosures. 

MHA (Making Home Affordable)  includes comprehensive compliance reviews to ensure that servicers fairly evaluate homeowners for assistance and follow program guidelines. Treasury requires participating servicers to take specific actions to improve their servicing processes to more effectively assist struggling homeowners. While more progress needs to be made, servicers are focusing attention on the areas identified through regular compliance and program reviews. Note: If you are a homeowner seeking help with your mortgage, please visit Making Home Affordable. 

That is a lot of Yellow highlight.  That is also a lot of flowery language and "pure Bull Shit" from the first word to the last.  I am going to have to buy a new yellow ink jet cartridge.
Look, you can't get a modification that will protect you from foreclosure. Until I see one myself that, is what I believe. 

I peronally passed the modification test and even got a modification. It was ignored, and did not stop my non-judicial foreclosure. That is the description of a wonderful program. It really would have been a good one.. But, it was run by racketeers and  con-persons on a scale that would win Ponzi Scheme first place of the solar sytem.

I found so much more.  I will write a better version and post it.   I didn't have a lot of time, but I have seen way too many hearts broken lately when Borrowers didn't get the modification.   

This isn't my best post ever, but I just had to warn anyone who will listen.

Do Not Believe In:  Unicorns, Unproven Conspiracy Theories, What anyone in governent is babbling about, learn to vet, Bull Shit, and possibly, What I say.  Vet me too, But, Modifications...... that will break your heart.  More Soon.

If You Believe In Borrowers Getting A Modification To Protect Them From Foreclosure, I Have A Unicorn In My Basement I Might Be Willing To Sell

The men who hold high places, Must be the ones to Start,  To mold a new reality ,  Closer to the Heart.  The Blacksmith and the Artist, Ref...