I think there's a little bit of sizzling here. Honestly, I can feel it. The ions. Regis Philben Regis VIDEO BELOW: Representative Meeks has not only has spoken about the wrongs in the finance and investment industries, but he may also be responsible for the resignation of CEO of Wells Fargo Bob Stumpf one week after Meeks interrogated a firestorm against Stumpf during the top exec's of Wells appearance before Congress when it was Rep Meeks turn to question Stumpf. He became a hero of mine on that day. It was 7 years ago, but, I have seen him interviewed on the major channels ever more often since. Listen to his question of Stumpf seven years ago. He was so very much closer to the facts than any congressman. I wish I could talk to him for ten minutes to fill him in on what I have seen. He would find it very disturbing. The video of the exchange of the two demonstrates which was the more intelligent and which was more of an American hero. We are still standing & applauding this congressman for speaking the simple truth about Bank Fraud!! Representative Meeks is a true representative of the people. Who else can we say that about? Reposted from September 2016 by Danny Hammond VIDEO: NY REP (D) GREGORY MEEKS DESTROYS WELLS FARGO CEO JOHN STUMPF BEFORE CONGRESS! |