This video is from 2016. Gregory Meeks is a US Representative From the New York City area. I have been complaining that since Obama took over George W. Bush's "Wall Street Meltdown" while many have praised his efforts, including him, of saving us from economic ruin, I completely disagree. Bill Clinton and a Democrat Congress caused the Wrongful Foreclosure nightmare, Bush didn't understand it, but Obama was in a position to fix it and did nothing at all. I write about this often. There is too much detail to write that post inside this post. That would make it a novel (or chapter book, as my 5th grade grandson would say. For Comments or Questions use the email Since 2012 I have not heard a single Congressperson say one word about the economic mess we have been in all of this time. Gregory Meeks video was wonderful. But, I don't know what he has done to continue speaking out. I see him often on TV now, so he is gaining power, but that, of course, could be bad. Elizabeth Warren almost single handedly put together the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau. She only put up a whisper, when in 2016 Trump 1.0 sent his ,soulless little minion, Mick Mulvaney to take the CFPB offline and told its employees to stop doing anything. Starting today, I am going to stop a bad habit I have developed. I help borrowers who are being foreclosed by someone who they do not owe money to. Yet when I found that half of the people in our country believe that Donald J Trump is Real and that I was hearing that same mantra from people I think have no sense at all and from family and friends that I know are very smart. There is nothing I can say to anyone. Arguing with a friend about that is beyond my cognitive skill set. Over the last year I felt that maybe this would all blow over. Instead it has blown up. This whole thing reminds me of the Steve Martin movie the Jerk. Every moment makes less sense than the one before. I am going to say whatever I want. So, (SPOILER ALERT) if you voted for Trump and the "Clown Car" dangerous pathological liars which he has chosen and the Republicans have approved 100%, and you are still glad your did, don't tell me that if you want my help. I don't like any of them. I am not a Republican and I am not a Democrat. I am more independent than an Independent. I am anti-greed and corruption. I am wildly angry that my government and my judiciary facilitated an estimated 30 million wrongful foreclosures against my fellow citizens. I am not going to change the introduction below. I don't know if Gregory Meeks is still this guy. But, at the time I believed it was the greatest take down of a prominent Racketeer possible. I hope I don't find that he has come under the cult spell. That will be a great disappointment. VIDEO BELOW: Representative Meeks has not only has spoken about the wrongs in the finance and investment industries, but he may also be responsible for the resignation of CEO of Wells Fargo Bob Stumpf one week after Meeks interrogated a firestorm against Stumpf during the top exec's of Wells appearance before Congress when it was Rep Meeks turn to question Stumpf. He became a hero of mine on that day. It was 7 years ago, but, I have seen him interviewed on the major channels ever more often since. Listen to his question of Stumpf seven years ago. He was so very much closer to the facts than any congressman. I wish I could talk to him for ten minutes to fill him in on what I have seen. He would find it very disturbing. The video of the exchange of the two demonstrates which was the more intelligent and which was more of an American hero. We are still standing & applauding this congressman for speaking the simple truth about Bank Fraud!! Representative Meeks is a true representative of the people. Who else can we say that about? Reposted from September 2016 by Danny Hammond VIDEO: NY REP (D) GREGORY MEEKS DESTROYS WELLS FARGO CEO JOHN STUMPF BEFORE CONGRESS! |
You Can Also See Danny Hammond Speaking His Mind At "Deep Thoughts While Staring At A Wall"