Saturday, August 10, 2024

As You Review This Website Regarding Foreclosure, You Are Going To Find That My Bias Is Moving Further Away From The Search For The "Silver Bullet" Statute Or Case Law Answers You Seek

"I decided I could lose nothing by trying the soft approach.  If that didn't produce for me—and I didn't think it would—nature could take its course and we could bust up the furniture.”                                  

Phillip Marlowe character from Raymond Chandler's – "The Lady In The Lake"



by Danny Hammond of The 3/4 Court Press

This is not because the laws of nearly 238 years of our judiciary's history are gone. They are there and remarkably very well reasoned and written.  The problem has to do with a question I have with the present day courts veering away without apparantly noticing when we use them in Borrower foreclosure cases without mentioning or discussing them.  If it is not intentional then they are stupid and if it is intentional they have broken the only laws that you have a right to sue them for.

The Question is this:  Is a law, a law, when it is not enforced?
It isn't the attorneys getting away with total lack of use of law or breaking the law.  It is not the Servicers.  They wouldn't do it if they lost all the time and even went to jail, which is what they are so close to, but it never happens.

They couldn't do it unless, someone let them. 
I say you are going to have to look somewhere else if you want to keep your house.

"Do you think you have a problem, but want a review?

If You Believe In Borrowers Getting A Modification To Protect Them From Foreclosure, I Have A Unicorn In My Basement I Might Be Willing To Sell

The men who hold high places, Must be the ones to Start,  To mold a new reality ,  Closer to the Heart.  The Blacksmith and the Artist, Ref...