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by Danny Hammond of the 3/4 Court Press |
Everyone that calls me passed this part according to the rules given to them. Pay 3 month on time. Then the wickedness sets in. All sorts of "reasons" begin to be received by the Borrower regarding why their trial failed.
Most are absurd. Experences like telling the Borrower he did not pass the 3 months of payments, when he did.
Or the Borrower did not respond in the right amount of time.
Or the Borrower used the wrong means of notification to the (usually the Servicer), whatever that means at that moment. Or the Borrower used the wrong form, and the particularly nasty, your Servicer has changed and you must start over.
My client right now who we are about to file into state court, was told every one of these things above. She is stilled scared to death it is going to be a problem in the Lawsuit, or Petition as a lawsuit is called in Missouri. Read More
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Heirs of a cold war, that's what we've become, Inheriting troubles, I'm mentally numb
I am going to inactivate this website for maintenance. It needs some tuning up and changes after 14 years. We are going to need it for my plan to form an association of Borrowers to raise money to help as many as we can.
Hello. I have been working on one my own foreclosures. One of the problems I have run into is that I have too much good info to use. I thought back.
This Is Not Possible in Law or Magic
"The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you've got it made."
Groucho Marx
This was a strange evening. I woke up in my recliner at 6 pm, only I thought it was 6 am. So I got up and had some breakfast, found out what my Ukrainian friends had accomplished, and began to read emails then I noticed it was 7 pm and I didn't now know, if it was the day before or the day after. Then I realized that I was asking myseslf that question but I didn't know what I meant by after.
But, it was about to get weirder.
The very first email I opened generated the following response from me. It had to do with an affidavit by a "not so much" expert witness. It seems the Fake Foreclosing Party had lost the mortgage (or deed of trust depends on where you live, Reader). The expert witness was asking for a new mortgage so that it could be assigned (wtf?) because the real mortgage had been lost.
If you have read anything here and retained it, then you know that you can't lose a mortgage and that the assignment of your security instrument (mortgage, deed of trust, security deed etc.) simply cannot be done. That it is not even that kind of a document. READ MORE
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You should never see an "Escalator Temporarily Out Of Order" sign;
just "Escalator Temporarily Stairs. Sorry for the convenience."
Tom Kibler & Danny Hammond & Mitch Hedberg
Everyone is a critic!
I'm talking about the real owners now, the real owners, the big wealthy business interests that control things and make all the important decisions. Forget the politicians.
"I have complete faith in the continued absurdity of whatever's going on."
Lots of State Judges in lots of states mostly believe they are not bound by the Constitution. They think that is the end of the matter. However, if your state judge has ruled against you and Granted your home to the foreclosing party that could not pass the federal requirements of Standing Your judge has just violated you of your Constitutional Civil Rights. The rights given you in the 5th and 14th Amendments to the US Constitution. "Due Process" You can Challenge the Standing of the foreclosing party at ANY TIME.
After a miserable 10 years fighting ignorant judges, everything I write is based on your constitutional civil rights. That is the only law left for us. Stop believing that there is a magic statute. All of the old statutes are still very good. But, a question continually goes through my mind. The laws are fine. The laws are good. They have not been changed.
But you tell me. "Is a law a law, If it is not enforced?"
That is the problem that none of us expected to be "THE PROBLEM", but it is.
Would you like a free review of your loan and foreclosure documents?
“Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities. Truth isn’t.”
Mark Twain
Actually, it is Strange, That Is Truther Than Fiction.
Danny Hammond
If you walk into a 2nd grade elementary school class room and see that all of the boys are standing on their desks shaking their butts, laughing and shouting, and throwing things at the girls in the class, who respond by screaming and running, and then you notice that the 2nd grade teacher is setting at his desk doing nothing to stop the chaos, would you really blame, the children?
No, it is the teacher who is in charge of the room. If the teacher does not enforce the rules of classroom behavior, then the children will act like wild monkeys. How would they know not to?
It is no different than the judge in the court case who is charged with controlling and enforcing correctness in information and procedure in a court case.
If the judge does not enforce the constitution, which is all that keeps this country great; or If the judge does not make the attorneys prove their claims and/ or does not keep them from claiming transfers of ownership of essential Promissory Notes with assignments of incidental security instruments (mortgage or deed of trust) which do nothing but describe the collateral, then, of course the attorneys are going to forge and fake and lie, worse than wild monkeys. (Carpenter v Longan US Sup Ct 1872 from the Colorado Territory (except the monkey part)
Then lack of subject matter jurisdiction is the fault of the judge of the court. He or she has wrongly put the burden of proof of standing on the borrower (very nearly every time), yet it is very clearly the burden of the court. The court is allowing the Borrower to prove he was defrauded. That is bizarre. The very definition of fraud means it was hidden from the borrower.
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