You Can Also See Danny Hammond Speaking His Mind At "Deep Thoughts While Staring At A Wall"
Showing posts with label Assignments. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Assignments. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

I Used To Have A List Of All Of The Bad Guys I Have Dealt With In Support Of My Foreclosure Clients. I Did Not Find The Full List Yet. But, I Am Posting What I Did Find Here Today. I Don't Know Why.

Have you had a run-in with any of the names of this list?  Then your foreclosure was fraudulent and is VOID.  During this tear through different courts in different states with my pro se clients over the last 6 months, I was surprised how many of these either still exist or their names are being used by "Successor Imposters"  I will find the rest and add them as soon as I can.

LIST OF SHAME  ( This is not a complete list of just the companies that I have dealt with I just got tired of typing)

Deutsche Bank, Deutsch Bank National Trust Company as Trustee, Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas as Trustee, US Bank N.A. as Trustee,  Bank of New York "BONY" as Trustee




FREEMONT MORTGAGE SECURITIES CORPORATION (Exact name of depositor as specified in its charter) OR




CHASE MORTGAGE CORPORATION (Monroe, Louisiana), INDYMAC BANK FSB (federal savings bank) The United States Secretary of the Treasury Steve Mnuchin nominated by Comrade Trump bought this company and committed so many fraudulent foreclosures that he earned the well-known nickname  - "THE FORECLOSURE KING"







Monday, February 3, 2025


 Heirs of a cold war,  that's what we've become, Inheriting troubles,  I'm mentally numb

Crazy,..... I just cannot bear,  That I'm living with something that just isn't fair, 
Mental wounds not healing.....Who and what's to blame

I'm goin' off the rails on a crazy train,  I'm goin' off the rails on a crazy train
                                                                                                                      Ozzy Osborne



The Supreme Court settled the matter of assigning a mortgage or deed of trust in 1872. You can't assign those instruments.  The case is CARPENTER V LONGAN AND THE CASE IS IN THIS ARTICLE JUST BELOW. 

Find out why any assignment of the security agreement is void.  Keep reading.

Republished by Danny Hammond of the 3/4 Court Press

I have reviewed hundreds, possibly thousands of home loan paperwork preceding a fraudulent foreclosure.   I have read about many more.  I have never seen any deal where the foreclosing party was not relying on an assignment of the security instrument.  


In Judicial foreclosure states, the assignment of the security instrument involves what is called a mortgage.  A mortgage is not a home loan.  It is merely the rule book concerning the collateral you put up to ensure that the bank will be paid back.  

A mortgage has no value and the assignment of a mortgage does NOT transfer your home loan from one party to another.  In the Non-Judicial States, the security instrument is called a Deed of Trust which serves the same purpose as a mortgage.  There is no such thing as "the assignment of a mortgage or a deed of trust.  The mortgage or deed of trust exists only as part of the loan agreement and it is incidental.  The security instrument is known as the incidental instrument (there are no laws that require collateral for a loan at all.)  

Your house is the usual collateral involving a home loan because that is where the loan money was spent.  But, collateral could also consist of one thousand Schwinn bicycles in a warehouse.  It is my strong personal belief that all (ALL) of the foreclosures in the United States from about the year 2000, or earlier, are based on the exact (EXACT) same lie.  What is that lie?

THE ENTIRE RULING IS NEXT   For questions or comments

Check Out Our YouTube Channel @mtgfrd   Leave comments.  And if you think I am on the right track, then like all the good ones say, "Subscribe, join, and hit the like button.

It doesn't cost anything, but if enough of us join in it could make ad money.  Too many Borrowers paid attorneys for too long while getting nothing in return.  We don't need as much as we used to.  It can be done with a small staff.  I have now seen it.

YouTube Search   "  @mtgfrd  "  

You can email me at

If you would like to have us evaluate your situation please fill out this form:

Sunday, February 2, 2025

US Bank, Its Trust Department, Or Its Meddling Henchmen Have Been Showing Up In 75% Of All Of Our Foreclosure Cases In The Last Few Years. Are They A Criminal Operation?

 Yes, They Are a Criminal Organization.

 "Venal and evil men are destroying the world you were born in. It's us against them, my good friend. Don't compromise your principle  or abandon your cause." 
                                                                                                 Major General John Bell Hood CSA

US Bank's own Trust Department Brochure is a bombshell revelation.  It says that a Corporate Trustee has no authority or ability to participate in any Real Estate Foreclosures

In the battle to defend your home from wrongful foreclosure, homeowners often find themselves up against big names like U.S. Bank, Deutsche Bank, or Bank of New York Mellon. These “trustees” appear on foreclosure documents, often leading homeowners to believe these institutions are actively managing their loans and directly pulling the strings in the foreclosure process. But here’s the truth: *They’re not*.

We have been using a US Bank Trust Department marketing brochure for years that makes their role as a loan trustee or a mortgage-backed security trustee (the word trustee has many meaning in foreclosures. This confuses Borrowers and it is intentional.  But, the marketing brochure put out by the US Bank Trust Department makes what "CAN'T HAPPEN" crystal clear. It’s like hearing from the horse’s mouth that the supposed power these trustees hold over your mortgage is largely a facade. This document exposes a shocking reality that many homeowners – and even their attorneys – don’t fully understand. Let’s break it down.

In U.S. Bank’s own words, as a trustee for Mortgage-Backed Securities (MBS), they perform a narrow set of duties:

– They hold an interest in mortgage loans for the benefit of investors.

– They collect payments from the servicer and distribute them to the investors.

– They do not initiate foreclosures.

– They do not manage or maintain properties in foreclosure.

– They do not approve loan modifications.

– They do not oversee or direct the actions of mortgage servicers.

So, what does this mean for homeowners fighting foreclosure? U.S. Bank's Trustees (and Trustees Like Them) Will Always Lack Standing to Foreclose.  It is not the Borrower's burden to try to prove the foreclosure attempt is fraudulent.  That is the terrible misunderstanding that all of us have been under since the very beginning.

The Borrower's only burden is to deny that they are in default with anyone trying to clollect money from them by foreclosing.   


Tuesday, November 26, 2024

I Have Good News - And That Will Bring On Some Changes In How I Think We Can Win


When I was younger, so much younger than today, I never needed anybody's help in any way. 

But now these days are gone, I'm not so self-assured, 

Now I find, I've changed my mind, and opened up the doors.

                                                                                The Beatles

I have been doing this for 14 years.  I have never met another borrower who had lost more than I have.  Not just money, I have lost the most I have heard about and worked with, but I have lost so much family, friends and my own youth.

Last June, I realized I had gotten old fighting something so big that it made no sense to think it was winnable.

But, maybe it is.  I have just done something so remarkable, that I haven't said much to anyone.

By 2012, I knew what we had to do and I knew why it would work.  But, I couldn't solve the end.  Napolean's "Ta Dum."

I have taken 6 straight Borrower's to a win.  That is not anything I ever even thought about.  It seems really odd to say it now.  It wasn't dramatic.  They all happened just as they should.  It changes everything.

I had not done anything with any Borrowers for 3 years.  I was absolutely exhausted.

Then recently, it hit me that I knew what to do and I was just holding back because I thought that if it was just another almost right idea, I might go crazy.  I have had a YouTube Channel for more than ten years.  It never did anything and this website outperformed it many, many times over.  

But, I was ready to change the last piece of the puzzle and I was looking for where it would work best.  I made four quick videos and placed them on my YouTube Channel with 18 older ones.  YouTube had changed.  It works.  I got the 6 clients in one week and they all looked like they would work.  131 days later they all were quiet wins.  No marching bands, no confetti in the streets,  No huge balloon characters held down by 20 people with ropes.  It went just like all of us thought it should.

It could still be some unearthly quirk.  Luck.  Dumb luck.  I don't think so, though.  It was just so logical.

I am going after my properties now.  I am rejuvenated.  Not hysterically so.  Just ready.

None of the six have been able to pay me even what little I asked for.  I am not upset about that.  They just wanted so badly to not lose their home.  I am upset that so many of us have fought it so long that no one can afford what this can be done for today.  It is going to be much less expensive than what so many of us have spent.

I have always wanted to put a big group together and use it to raise money so everyone has a chance.  None of my early ideas worked.  I have always thought it was going to take a monstrous journalist or movie star to shine a spotlight on the problem.

I have adapted there now, also.  I know how to do it.

I want to use YouTubes new ideas and add Patreon and Telegram and raise the money with the 30 million Americans who lost their homes.  I am starting today.  I am wrapping up the last of the six and I took on one other that could not pay, but there were some great things I could learn from it.  I'll let all of you know if I am right.  Intellectually I am sure.  

But, emotionally I am waiting for the other shoe to drop.  I don't feel it yet.  But, in ways it is better to know it than feel it.

If you would like to have us evaluate your situation please fill out this form:

Click for Form Here

Friday, November 15, 2024

The Term "Void" Is Often Used In Contrast To "Voidable" And "Unenforceable". The Main Difference Is That An Action That Is Voidable Remains Valid Until It Is Avoided.

I was playing for time. Just for time. I played the wrong way, of course.”
Raymond Chandler

"Here cum da Judge"

   by Danny Hammond of the 3/4 Court Press.


Surely no one can truly believe that it is the Borrowers that come up with these bizarre scenarios? 

My sister uh, Mary, is an attorney, who is probably the smartest person I have ever known, was home this weekend and I asked about maybe we should be objecting to the new judge in this case who has oddly not committed a crime yet, and he was going to take over to provide cover for the original judge who had committed all of the crimes by removing the case to Federal Court.  That is like stealing 3rd base from 1st base.  No one would do that.  The Constitution is perfectly clear.  Not on stealing 3rd, but removing a VOID case to Federal court.  You can't do that.  

Although, if he says one more sentence, we are gonna pounce hard on him and make him the defendant, not as a judge but as himself, and make it stick.  

Mary came up with a Motion For Reconsideration, which startled me because I had actually begun to believe that was a term I made up, because I never had a judge comment on it, even though I tried it over 7 and a half billion times while helping Borrowers understand courts and such.

I told her that I just didn't see how you could remove VOID.  It is unthinkable.  Void cannot be arranged.  It is nothingness.  It never was.  I can never even be.

She kind of agreed.  But, neither of us could explain that notion in "earth terms". 

(You see most attorneys don't ever deal with law all that much.  Except sewer court rat attorneys like ambulance chasers and Borrower representation in foreclosure)

Borrowers have been treated differently than other contract law cases all along.  That is why we do not have contract law directly associated with our cases, which no one seems to care if this is true.  

That is why Blue Planet's attorney (Blue Planet in this case is the Foreclosing Party in this case and improbably changes from Plaintiff to Defendant at will) uses bombastic writings designed to wow and scare the defendants by bluffing and using what he says are reasons and truths that are neither.

In the first answered filed in the Complaint (lawsuit he wrote, The reason we have the right to foreclose, is because we are the ABSOLUTE owner of the Note by Assignment of the Mortgage on Jan. 25th, Stardate 26785.

He is not making even nominal good sense.   In law, rights must be proven that cannot just be claimed.  But, the bad guys have been doing it for 22 years and very, very rarely do they get caught.

If you would like to have us evaluate your situation please fill out this form:

Friday, October 4, 2024

If You Believe In Borrowers Getting A Modification To Protect Them From Foreclosure, I Have A Unicorn In My Basement I Might Be Willing To Sell

They're leaving you nothing and nowhere to go
Just put you in the corner like an old banjo
The strings are breakin' but you can't say no
You're runnin' with the devil and it's touch and go

                                               Emerson Lake and Powel (Running with the Devil)

by Danny Hammond
of the 3/4 Court Press
I am getting an increasing number of pleas for me to help people who think they are in the middle of a Modification of their loan. I thought we were done with that in 2012. Modifications usually start with a 3 month "trial" to see if you can now pay on time. 

Everyone that calls me passed this part according to the rules given to them. Pay 3 month on time. Then the wickedness sets in. All sorts of "reasons" begin to be received by the Borrower regarding why their trial failed.  

Most are absurd.  Experences like telling the Borrower he did not pass the 3 months of payments, when he did.

Or the Borrower did not respond in the right amount of time. 

Or the Borrower used the wrong means of notification to the (usually the Servicer), whatever that means at that moment.   Or the Borrower used the wrong form, and the particularly nasty, your Servicer has changed and you must start over.  

My client right now who we are about to file into state court, was told every one of these things above.  She is stilled scared to death it is going to be a problem in the Lawsuit, or Petition as a lawsuit is called in Missouri.  Read More

But, check out the recently upgraded YouTube Channel @mtgfrd or search "Danny Hammond Foreclosure that should get you in.  Leave comments.  And if you think I am on the right track, then like all the good ones say, "Subscribe, join, and hit the like button. It doesn't cost anything, but if enough of us join in it could make money.  We don't need as much as we used to.  It can be done with a small staff.  I have now seen it.

If you get a chance try the YouTube Channel all you have to put in search is "  @mtgfrd  "  If that doesn't work you can search "Danny Hammond Foreclosure"  I think that will take you right there.

More information here tomorrow.   You can email me at

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Accounting Of The Foreclosure Sale Proceeds, Credit Bid and; Deficiencey Or Surplus Due To The Borrower



@mtgfrd  On YouTube Search

or search for - "Danny Hammond foreclosure" You will find it.

If you would like to have us evaluate your situation free please fill out this form:

Click for Form Here

Friday, August 9, 2024

Learn From Me. I Made Fighting Foreclosure Too Hard. I Punched Myself Out Of Resolve, Money, And Clear Thought. You Can Make It Easier

“I needed a drink, I needed a lot of life insurance, I needed a vacation, I needed a home in the country. What I had was a coat, a hat and a gun. I put them on and went out of the room.”

                                                                                           ― Raymond Chandler, Farewell, My Lovely

 I'm not the guy they say I am. I don't even look like me.


Danny Hammond of the 3/4 Court Press

Hello. I have been working on one my own foreclosures.   One of the problems  I have run into is that I have too much good info to use.  I thought back.

A non-attorney, which is what I am, has a tendency to try to use everything he has to obliterate the foreclosing party.

Every client I have had and even some of my very intelligent peers, including Tom, are trying too hard to punish, or to avenge the pain and true suffering they have endured.

I fight thinking like that.  You begin to to build a criminal case which is a vastly different endeavor which you aren't allowed to get into anyway.

My sister in a straight line thought is the smartest person I have ever known.  She is an attorney.  But, I forgive her for that.   When we were young I thought about law school.  I am glad I didn't go I might be just now getting out of prison.

Here is the best recognition I have ever been given of what we are all looking at and for, and it came in 3 seconds tops.  It was my sister who was visiting my Mom and myself and she and looked over my shoulder for just a moment at some notes I had just made and simply commented, "That is Deprivation of Civil Rights."     READ MORE

Check out the recently upgraded YouTube Channel @mtgfrd or search "Danny Hammond Foreclosure that should get you in.  Leave comments.  And if you think I am on the right track, then like all the good ones say, "Subscribe, join, and hit the like button. It doesn't cost anything, but if enough of us join in it could make money.  We don't need as much as we used to.  It can be done with a small staff.  I have now seen it.

If you get a chance try the YouTube Channel all you put in search is "  @mtgfrd  "  If that doesn't work you can search "Danny Hammond Foreclosure"  I think that will take you right there.

More informatrion here tomorrow.   You can email me at

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

The Crux of the Matter, The Thing itself, There is No Other THING, Because The Crux of The Matter, is That You Were Foreclosed On With The Assignment of Your Mortgage Or Deed of Trust.

This Is Not Possible in Law or Magic

"The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you've got it made."

                                                                                                              Groucho Marx

Danny Hammond
of the 3/4 Court Press

This was a strange evening. I woke up in my recliner at 6 pm, only I thought it was 6 am. So I got up and had some breakfast, found out what my Ukrainian friends had accomplished, and began to read emails then I noticed it was 7 pm and I didn't now know, if it was the day before or the day after.  Then I realized that I was asking myseslf that question but I didn't know what I meant by after.

But, it was about to get weirder.

The very first email I opened generated the following response from me. It had to do with an affidavit by a "not so much" expert witness. It seems the Fake Foreclosing Party had lost the mortgage (or deed of trust depends on where you live, Reader). The expert witness was asking for a new mortgage so that it could be assigned (wtf?) because the real mortgage had been lost.

If you have read anything here and retained it, then you know that you can't lose a mortgage and that the assignment of your security instrument (mortgage, deed of trust, security deed etc.) simply cannot be done.  That it is not even that kind of a document.  READ MORE  

Would you like a free review of your loan docs?

Check out our recently upgraded YouTube Channel @mtgfrd or search "Danny Hammond Foreclosure that should get you in.  Leave comments.  And if you think I am on the right track, then like all the good ones say, "Subscribe, join, and hit the like button. It doesn't cost anything, but if enough of us join in it could make money.  We don't need as much as we used to.  It can be done with a small staff.  I have now seen it.

If you get a chance try the YouTube Channel all you put in search is "  @mtgfrd  "  I

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

What Is Up With The Judges In Wrongful Foreclosure Cases?" This Is Another Post Inspired By My Good Friend Tom Kibler. He Knows More About Statute and Case Law Than Anyone. He Copied Me An Email He Had Sent To A Large Number Of People. Since 2010 Everyone Has Been Searching For The Statute Or Case Law "Silver Bullet'".

 "Venal and evil men are destroying the world you were born in. It's us against them, my good friend. Don't compromise your principle  or abandon your cause." 
                                                                                                 Major General John Bell Hood CSA

 Article by Danny Hammond
       of the 3/4 Court Press

The laws for land ownership have not changed appreciably for two hundred years.  All the laws you find, we found 10 to 12 years ago.  For the most part they are very good and fair and if you are getting swindled IT IS BECAUSE a judge is working to derail you.

We all presented these laws to judges over and over and over.  It got to the point that we joked about the fact that all of the judges at all levels of judiciary in the United States attended a "crooked judge" convention in Las Vegas every two years to figure out their new strategy for siding with attorneys to swindle borrowers being wrongfully foreclosed.

Of course, that is not it.

Judges are all attorneys who got to be judges by attending clubs, and cocktail parties of important people, old judges and political parties. Most of them probably have not learned anything new since they graduated from law school.  I know I am an idiot, but I am convinced that I can pass the Missouri Bar without studying at any time I choose.  Idiot or not, I believe that. Comment or Ask Questions

I am going to inactivate this website for maintenance.  It needs some tuning up and changes after 14 years. We are going to need it for my plan to form an association of Borrowers to raise money to help as many  as we can.

I will leave messages here.  But, check out the recently upgraded YouTube Channel @mtgfrd or search "Danny Hammond Foreclosure that should get you in.  Leave comments.  And if you think I am on the right track, then like all the good ones say, "Subscribe, join, and hit the like button. It doesn't cost anything, but if enough of us join in it could make money.  We don't need as much as we used to.  It can be done with a small staff.  I have now seen it.

If you get a chance try the YouTube Channel all you put in search is "  @mtgfrd  "  If that doesn't work you can search "Danny Hammond Foreclosure"  I think that will take you right there.

More informatrion here tomorrow.   You can email me at

Friday, November 10, 2023

I Have Been Involuntarily Running All Of This Through My Head Every Day For Ten Years. Is There Any Hope? Yeah, I Think So, If More Of Us Work Together

An escalator can never break:  it can only become stairs. 

You should never see an "Escalator Temporarily Out Of Order" sign;

just "Escalator Temporarily Stairs. Sorry for the convenience."

                                                                       Tom Kibler & Danny Hammond & Mitch Hedberg

Everyone is a critic!


I'm talking about the real owners now, the real owners, the big wealthy business interests that control things and make all the important decisions. Forget the politicians. 

The politicians are put there to give you the idea that you have freedom of choice. You don't. You have no choice. You have owners. They own you

They own everything. They own all the important land. They own and control the corporations. 

They’ve long since bought and paid for the senate, the congress, the state houses, the city halls, they got the judges in their back pockets and they own all the big media companies so they control just about all of the news and information you get to hear. 

They got you by the balls...They’ll get it. They’ll get it all from you, sooner or later, 'cause they own this fucking place. It's a big club, and you ain’t in it. You and I are not in the big club. And by the way, it's the same big club they use to beat you over the head with all day long when they tell you what to believe. 

All day long beating you over the head in their media telling you what to believe, what to think and what to buy. The table is tilted folks. The game is rigged, and nobody seems to notice, nobody seems to care. 

~ George Carlin
                                     To Comment Or Ask Questions

I am going to inactivate this website for maintenance.  It needs some tuning up and changes after 14 years. We are going to need it for my plan to form an association of Borrowers to raise money to help as many  as we can.

I will leave messages here.  But, check out the recently upgraded YouTube Channel @mtgfrd or search "Danny Hammond Foreclosure that should get you in.  Leave comments.  And if you think I am on the right track, then like all the good ones say, "Subscribe, join, and hit the like button. It doesn't cost anything, but if enough of us join in it could make money.  We don't need as much as we used to.  It can be done with a small staff.  I have now seen it.

If you get a chance try the YouTube Channel all you put in search is "  @mtgfrd  "  If that doesn't work you can search "Danny Hammond Foreclosure"  I think that will take you right there.

More informatrion here tomorrow.   You can email me at

Monday, November 6, 2023

It Doesn't Matter When You Demand A Jury Trial. The Judgment Was Void, But Not Because A Ruling By A Judge Made It Void. Void Had Already Happened, The Foreclosure Case Was Void"

I was playing for time. Just for time. I played the wrong way, of course.”
Raymond Chandler
Danny Hammond of the 3/4 Court Press

How are they getting these wonderful cards?   


    I just got off the phone with Tom Kibler, we talked      for an hour and a half and he hadn't had                        any coffee.  So, of course, a breakthrough moment     in our conversation was not anticipated.  The               question was, "We know how simple this is, but                                                                                                    why can't we making it simpler?"  "We are better than this."

We know that nearly every ruling or judgment in tens of millions of fraudulent foreclosures is a void judgment.  Void is a defined word.  Nothingness.  Not there, never was there.  Even stronger the void judgment was void ab initio.  

That is latin legalese (Then they should just speak it in Latinalia) which means "from the beginning."  

It was void the moment it was made.  Our only disagreement was how do you use that so that even a judge could understand it.  Tough assignment.   READ MORE             

I am going to inactivate this website for maintenance.  It needs some tuning up and changes after 14 years. We are going to need it for my plan to form an association of Borrowers to raise money to help as many  as we can.

I will leave messages here.  But, check out the recently upgraded YouTube Channel @mtgfrd or search "Danny Hammond Foreclosure that should get you in.  Leave comments.  And if you think I am on the right track, then like all the good ones say, "Subscribe, join, and hit the like button. It doesn't cost anything, but if enough of us join in it could make money.  We don't need as much as we used to.  It can be done with a small staff.  I have now seen it.

If you get a chance try the YouTube Channel all you put in search is "  @mtgfrd  "  If that doesn't work you can search "Danny Hammond Foreclosure"  I think that will take you right there.

More informatrion here tomorrow.   You can email me at

Thursday, November 2, 2023

I Have Counseled Many Borrowers To Forget Finding The Silver Bullet. Now One Has Proved That is Not Necessarily True By Dropping Such A Bullet In My Lap After Visiiting The Website.

“I needed a drink, I needed a lot of life insurance, I needed a vacation, I needed a home in the country. What I had was a coat, a hat and a gun. I put them on and went out of the room.”
                                                                                           ― Raymond Chandler, Farewell, My Lovely

     I have lost more than any of my clients.  I 
         really don't appreciating leading.

Good morning Sally. I thought all night about your report to me on the reaction to the items we wrote and you filed into your court very early in the process.

I find it to be remarkable.  Remember that the borrower has no burden to prove that the fake foreclosing party has been and will continue to commit fraud against you and Ed.

That has been the single most damaging strategy mistake made by all of the original early borrowers defending their family and homes from fraudulent foreclosure.

The more you try to expose the details of their fraud, the more you seemingly admit you are agreeing that you owe them something, even if you don't know the amount.  Which is not true.

You do owe someone (strangely, you will never know who) but it is not these defendants that you owe.

They have no path to claim and prove they have suffered an injury that you caused.

READING                                    Comment or Ask Questions

Would you like a free review of your Foreclosure Case?

Check out the recently upgraded YouTube Channel @mtgfrd or search "Danny Hammond Foreclosure that should get you in.  Leave comments.  And if you think I am on the right track, then like all the good ones say, "Subscribe, join, and hit the like button. It doesn't cost anything, but if enough of us join in it could make money.  We don't need as much as we used to.  It can be done with a small staff.  I have now seen it.

If you get a chance try the YouTube Channel all you put in search is "  @mtgfrd  "  If that doesn't work you can search "Danny Hammond Foreclosure"  I think that will take you right there.

More information here tomorrow.   You can email me at

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

A Very Comprehensive Analysis of Article III Standing. Every Citizen Should Read Every Word. When Your Brain Begins To Spin Stop. Put It Away And Get Back To It Later

"I have complete faith in the continued absurdity of whatever's going on."

                                                                                                  John Stewart 

Lots of State Judges in lots of states mostly believe they are not bound by the Constitution.  They think that is the end of the matter.  However, if your state judge has ruled against you and Granted your home to the foreclosing  party that could not pass the federal requirements of Standing Your judge has just violated you of your Constitutional Civil Rights.  The rights given you in the 5th and 14th Amendments to the US Constitution.  "Due Process"  You can Challenge the Standing of the foreclosing party at ANY TIME. 

After a miserable 10 years fighting ignorant judges, everything I write is based on your constitutional civil rights.  That is the only law left for us.  Stop believing that there is a magic statute.  All of the old statutes are still very good.  But, a question continually goes through my mind.  The laws are fine.  The laws are good.  They have not been changed.

But you tell me.   "Is a law a law, If it is not enforced?"

That is the problem that none of us expected to be "THE PROBLEM",  but it is.


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Wednesday, October 4, 2023

America is Not The Greatest Country In The World. But, It Could Be.

“I decided I could lose nothing by trying the soft approach. If that didn't produce for me—and I didn't think it would—nature could take its course and we could bust up the furniture.”                                  

Phillip Marlowe character from Raymond Chandler's – The Lady In The Lake 

Posted by Danny Hammond during late night TV

From: "Newsroom" The Popular HBO TV Series 1st Episode on 24 June 2012, HBO Starring Jeff Daniels as Will McAvoy the highest-rated television newscaster in the country.

Will McAvoy sits onstage with two other journalists and he is an outspoken man. He is obviously holding in a lot more than the others guess. 

A question and answer period begins with a young female college student from the attendees walks to the microphone and says, "this question is, can you tell me in two sentences why America is the greatest country in the world"? 

One of the panelists quickly answers, "Freedom". 

The girl turns to Will, "Mr. McAvoy"?

Will answers sharply with a forced smile, "The New York Mets". 

The Moderator mildly berates him as Will holds his hand over his eyes to block the sun coming through a high window.  He is trying to read two small signs that someone in the crowd is holding in succession. The first one reads, "America is not the greatest country in the world.", and the second one, "But it could be". 

Will can't see who is handling the two signs, but he slowly gets the message that someone is telling him the answer he knows is what he believes. 

The Moderator:   Come on Will, I can't let you get away without answering better than that. 

Will: Ok, fine.  It's not. 

The Moderator: Are you saying... 

Will:   It's not the greatest country in the world, professor, that's my answer. 

Moderator: [pause] You are saying... 

Will: Yes. 

Moderator: Let's talk about...