You Can Also See Danny Hammond Speaking His Mind At "Deep Thoughts While Staring At A Wall"

Thursday, July 16, 2020


"A settled plan to deprive the people of the benefits, blessings, and ends of the contract, to subvert the fundamentals of the constitution, to deprive them of all share in making and executing laws, will justify a revolution.'''  

                                        John  Adams, Novanglus Papers, 1774

We are facing the destruction of our constitution.  It will require a revolution to put things back as they were.  I don't mean a violent revolution.  I mean an effective one.  It isn't just a good idea to save your house from foreclosure.  The suing of judges who don't believe that Article III applies to them is a civic duty

Danny Hammond's Zoom Meetings


by Danny Hammond

I have never believed that I would be able to make a template for a WRONGFUL FORECLOSURE CASE based on DEPRIVATION OF CIVIL RIGHTS.
But, I was wrong. I have created a cookie-cutter lawsuit that is short, sweet, and targets the only person in yours or any court who allowed all of the crime, deception, and property theft.
You know who it is, your judge. The criminal attorneys and fake foreclosing parties could never have pulled off any foreclosures without JUDGES depriving Borrowers of multiple civil rights by not doing the job that we are paying them to do.
There are only 3 reasons a judge could force you to lose to racketeering enterprises that steal homes thousands of times never getting caught while Borrowers are stuck researching and flailing away at saving their doomed homes.
The 3 reasons a judge would allow it in his or her court?
1. Your judge is stupid and barely passed the bar 20 years ago and never studied law since.
2. Your judge is wildly misinformed. He thinks that no borrower should get a home for free in his court. So, he is going to give your house to a foreclosing party who has no right to collect money for free.
3. Your judge is a crook.
I have thought about it. Your frustration is that you know that the foreclosing party is breaking the law in a United States court. So you are targeting the wrong parties. You are trying to expose SPS, Green Tree, Ocwen etc., and their attorneys as criminal fraudsters. But, how can they commit these crimes so blatantly?
It isn't all of the parties that you have to beat. It is only the person controlling your whole case. It is only this one official that can ignore evidence and case law.
It isn't an attorney, a servicer, a Fictitious Payee claiming he has the right to foreclose.
IT IS YOUR JUDGE! Why are you leaving the judge alone?
The Judge controls your fate by controlling the fate of your house and he is allowing the attorneys to run amuck.
I am looking for 1-3 Borrowers who really want to save their home and who will agree that what I am saying is the only way to get the damn judge out of the way.
Tomorrow I am going to begin the final work on my three cases. I have one Borrower who is all in and I am beginning to outline his case. But, I am doing this full-time now. I don't have an income so I am inviting committed Borrowers to fight back using the only real laws left in place. Constitutional civil rights.
I will add Borrowers so that we can start multiple ruckuses in multiple locations.
I will need one Borrower at $900 per month for two months to follow this all the way through.

That is all I feel comfortable with. It isn't enough money, but I am not an attorney and if I win my three cases I will get my retirement and my life back. So, I will get myself and the first Borrower done and follow through with whatever comes next.
I will take on three more cases that fit my model. I will not talk about wrongful foreclosure or teach "Chain of Title" or Mortgage Fraud any longer. I am going to sue some judges using the laws that are meant to keep judges from running amuck and harming citizens. The judge is a citizen nothing more.
I am going to hold a Zoom class tomorrow at 4 pm to answer questions and debate my sanity. I am very rarely wrong on this subject. 
There will be no charge to attend and ask me questions. Vet me. Punch a hole in what I say. If I am wrong that would be easy to uncover. 
I will only consider going further with Borrowers who attend this class. If no one attends, then I will just take on the cases I have. There will be no more offers. 
This is going to be tough and I am going to have to concentrate on behalf of whoever joins in.