You Can Also See Danny Hammond Speaking His Mind At "Deep Thoughts While Staring At A Wall"

Saturday, August 1, 2020

An Email Conversation That highlights The Problems Borrowers Are Having In Finding Real World Help In Stopping Wrongful Foreclosures And The Would Be Consultants Coaching Pro Se Who Are Suffering The Same Dilemma: We Are All Running Out Of Money And Personal Will To Go On

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 by Danny Hammond & Cindy (not her real name)

DLH:  Oh come on Cindy, it cost me 10 years of my life, $300,000 in savings, my wife and family. I have lost over $9,000 a month in rental income, $500k in lost equity, and $100k in paying people for services that lost my home and wasted my time. I'm not going to do your deal for free. I have already told you what you are asking me now. If you didn't get it Cindy it's not because I'm smarter,  I have just seen it way more times than you.

Cindy:  I did not ask you to do my deal for free so I do not understand where you came up with that idea, however, you have left me with just a riddle. 

I have lost way too much going down rabbit holes with little explanation and promises of being the only one who could save my home and yet everyone failed me. I need to fully understand what you are saying/proposing, if not it is worthless because I will not be able to follow through.

I need to understand how your plan gets past res judicata, I need to understand how you will get me past being officially labeled a vexatious litigant. I don't mind paying a reasonable amount for help because I know I cannot do this alone, but you have to understand how many people promised me so much and totally let me down. 

DLH:  I have told you more than you think.  I wouldn't delete this thread, Cindy.  Read it again.

Danny Hammond signing off. Peace out.

Cindy:   You don’t know what I’ve been through.  I have spent over $16,000 on attorneys since 2010.  Each one left me off worse than when they started.  I have been Pro Se for 5 years.  I have no money left.  But, I want to save my home.  I need help now.  Not a riddle to solve. CONTINUE READING

Dlh: If you have come to this website for the reasons I think you have, I strongly recommend you read more