You Can Also See Danny Hammond Speaking His Mind At "Deep Thoughts While Staring At A Wall"
Showing posts with label modification of loan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label modification of loan. Show all posts

Friday, August 9, 2024

Learn From Me. I Made Fighting Foreclosure Too Hard. I Punched Myself Out Of Resolve, Money, And Clear Thought. You Can Make It Easier

“I needed a drink, I needed a lot of life insurance, I needed a vacation, I needed a home in the country. What I had was a coat, a hat and a gun. I put them on and went out of the room.”

                                                                                           ― Raymond Chandler, Farewell, My Lovely

 I'm not the guy they say I am. I don't even look like me.


Danny Hammond of the 3/4 Court Press

Hello. I have been working on one my own foreclosures.   One of the problems  I have run into is that I have too much good info to use.  I thought back.

A non-attorney, which is what I am, has a tendency to try to use everything he has to obliterate the foreclosing party.

Every client I have had and even some of my very intelligent peers, including Tom, are trying too hard to punish, or to avenge the pain and true suffering they have endured.

I fight thinking like that.  You begin to to build a criminal case which is a vastly different endeavor which you aren't allowed to get into anyway.

My sister in a straight line thought is the smartest person I have ever known.  She is an attorney.  But, I forgive her for that.   When we were young I thought about law school.  I am glad I didn't go I might be just now getting out of prison.

Here is the best recognition I have ever been given of what we are all looking at and for, and it came in 3 seconds tops.  It was my sister who was visiting my Mom and myself and she and looked over my shoulder for just a moment at some notes I had just made and simply commented, "That is Deprivation of Civil Rights."     READ MORE

Check out the recently upgraded YouTube Channel @mtgfrd or search "Danny Hammond Foreclosure that should get you in.  Leave comments.  And if you think I am on the right track, then like all the good ones say, "Subscribe, join, and hit the like button. It doesn't cost anything, but if enough of us join in it could make money.  We don't need as much as we used to.  It can be done with a small staff.  I have now seen it.

If you get a chance try the YouTube Channel all you put in search is "  @mtgfrd  "  If that doesn't work you can search "Danny Hammond Foreclosure"  I think that will take you right there.

More informatrion here tomorrow.   You can email me at