You Can Also See Danny Hammond Speaking His Mind At "Deep Thoughts While Staring At A Wall"

Saturday, November 4, 2023

Fraudulent Foreclosure and the Danny Hammond MIKE SINGLETARY Offense For Borrowers Facing Fraudulent Foreclosure

There is only one way to succeed in anything and that is to give it everything.”

                                                                             Vince Lombardi

Reposted because it is the 3rd most popular article out of 271 articles still posted

by Danny Hammond of the 3/4 Court Press

The theory behind my "Mike Singletary Mortgage Fraud Offense" begins with the premise that in your foreclosure court there are some nameless players who aren't really affecting the game as much as you think.

These players include the Imposter and Fictitious Payee Foreclosing party who is pushing a baseless claim and its attorneys who are the puppets voicing this claim. But, there is one party in your court who is keeping you from winning.

It is no secret that I think it is your judge and I am almost always right.  So, to explain my strategy let's pretend that your court is a football game. You are in the right which puts you down on your opponent's 30-yard line with the ball and one minute left to score a touchdown and win the game.   Your foreclosure judge is the embodiment of Mike Singletary. For the 8 people in America who are not children, but still haven't heard of Mike Singletary, he was the phenomenal middle linebacker who was drafted by the Chicago Bears in the 2nd round of the 1981 NFL Draft and became to be known as probably the greatest linebacker of all time as "The Heart of the Defense" for the Chicago Bears' Monsters of the Midway in the mid-1980s.

So, in my little metaphor, Mike Singletary represents your judge and he has been knocking down passes, sacking you, the quarterback, stuffing all the running plays and pretty much controlling the game. He is offsides on every play.  He is holding lineman, interfering with pass receivers, roughing the quarterback and generally is operating with complete disregard for the rules.  There is no accountability for his actions.  No one will argue with him.  He is accountable to no one.  There are no consequences for his actions.

You are not going to win if Mike Singletary continues to play.

Therefore, Mike Singletary must be removed from play, no matter what it takes. So, you call a timeout and on the next play, you send 15 players on the field and hike the ball to the quarterback who takes a knee while the other 14 players pile on Mike and twist his ankles, bite his ears, and break his arm.

This is, of course, against the rules so you accept your penalty for "too many men on the field " and huddle up. Three plays later you score. You win because you neutralized the one person who is intent on beating you on this day and he could have without your brutal and decisive action. Comment or Ask Questions

I am going to inactivate this website for maintenance.  It needs some tuning up and changes after 14 years. We are going to need it for my plan to form an association of Borrowers to raise money to help as many  as we can.

I will leave messages here.  But, check out the recently upgraded YouTube Channel @mtgfrd or search "Danny Hammond Foreclosure that should get you in.  Leave comments.  And if you think I am on the right track, then like all the good ones say, "Subscribe, join, and hit the like button. It doesn't cost anything, but if enough of us join in it could make money.  We don't need as much as we used to.  It can be done with a small staff.  I have now seen it.

If you get a chance try the YouTube Channel all you put in search is "  @mtgfrd  "  If that doesn't work you can search "Danny Hammond Foreclosure"  I think that will take you right there.

More informatrion here tomorrow.   You can email me at