by "The Scarlet Pimpernell"
#1 Ms. Kendra J. Stockdale Associate Circuit Court (Sewer Court) Judge from The 16th Circuit State Court of MO. She committed the flagrant violations of "Lack of Standing for the Plaintiff and therefore Lack of Subject Matter for her Court While she was ruling against ME!
#2 Ms. Mary Elizabeth Phillips Chief Justice of the Federal United States District Court of the Western District of Missouri. Nominated by Obama in 2011 and named chief justice in 2019. She has my house case. Soon I want to quote her on this Blog for all of the stupendous drivel that oozed out of her when making Orders and Rulings. For most of six years, I thought she was handicapped and could not learn. But, in 2019 her orders became manic and unintelligible. I first suspected, then I knew that she was the very first judge that I had more than suspected of being on the take.
All of my clients reference the probability that their judges take bribes. I held out for seven years. I believed, well I guess, I wanted to believe that it would be the courts that would save the day. Nope. Again another nope. CONTINUE READING