You Can Also See Danny Hammond Speaking His Mind At "Deep Thoughts While Staring At A Wall"
Showing posts with label Eviction after foreclosure. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eviction after foreclosure. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

I Have Good News - And That Will Bring On Some Changes In How I Think We Can Win


When I was younger, so much younger than today, I never needed anybody's help in any way. 

But now these days are gone, I'm not so self-assured, 

Now I find, I've changed my mind, and opened up the doors.

                                                                                The Beatles

I have been doing this for 14 years.  I have never met another borrower who had lost more than I have.  Not just money, I have lost the most I have heard about and worked with, but I have lost so much family, friends and my own youth.

Last June, I realized I had gotten old fighting something so big that it made no sense to think it was winnable.

But, maybe it is.  I have just done something so remarkable, that I haven't said much to anyone.

By 2012, I knew what we had to do and I knew why it would work.  But, I couldn't solve the end.  Napolean's "Ta Dum."

I have taken 6 straight Borrower's to a win.  That is not anything I ever even thought about.  It seems really odd to say it now.  It wasn't dramatic.  They all happened just as they should.  It changes everything.

I had not done anything with any Borrowers for 3 years.  I was absolutely exhausted.

Then recently, it hit me that I knew what to do and I was just holding back because I thought that if it was just another almost right idea, I might go crazy.  I have had a YouTube Channel for more than ten years.  It never did anything and this website outperformed it many, many times over.  

But, I was ready to change the last piece of the puzzle and I was looking for where it would work best.  I made four quick videos and placed them on my YouTube Channel with 18 older ones.  YouTube had changed.  It works.  I got the 6 clients in one week and they all looked like they would work.  131 days later they all were quiet wins.  No marching bands, no confetti in the streets,  No huge balloon characters held down by 20 people with ropes.  It went just like all of us thought it should.

It could still be some unearthly quirk.  Luck.  Dumb luck.  I don't think so, though.  It was just so logical.

I am going after my properties now.  I am rejuvenated.  Not hysterically so.  Just ready.

None of the six have been able to pay me even what little I asked for.  I am not upset about that.  They just wanted so badly to not lose their home.  I am upset that so many of us have fought it so long that no one can afford what this can be done for today.  It is going to be much less expensive than what so many of us have spent.

I have always wanted to put a big group together and use it to raise money so everyone has a chance.  None of my early ideas worked.  I have always thought it was going to take a monstrous journalist or movie star to shine a spotlight on the problem.

I have adapted there now, also.  I know how to do it.

I want to use YouTubes new ideas and add Patreon and Telegram and raise the money with the 30 million Americans who lost their homes.  I am starting today.  I am wrapping up the last of the six and I took on one other that could not pay, but there were some great things I could learn from it.  I'll let all of you know if I am right.  Intellectually I am sure.  

But, emotionally I am waiting for the other shoe to drop.  I don't feel it yet.  But, in ways it is better to know it than feel it.

If you would like to have us evaluate your situation please fill out this form:

Click for Form Here

Friday, October 4, 2024

If You Believe In Borrowers Getting A Modification To Protect Them From Foreclosure, I Have A Unicorn In My Basement I Might Be Willing To Sell

They're leaving you nothing and nowhere to go
Just put you in the corner like an old banjo
The strings are breakin' but you can't say no
You're runnin' with the devil and it's touch and go

                                               Emerson Lake and Powel (Running with the Devil)

by Danny Hammond
of the 3/4 Court Press
I am getting an increasing number of pleas for me to help people who think they are in the middle of a Modification of their loan. I thought we were done with that in 2012. Modifications usually start with a 3 month "trial" to see if you can now pay on time. 

Everyone that calls me passed this part according to the rules given to them. Pay 3 month on time. Then the wickedness sets in. All sorts of "reasons" begin to be received by the Borrower regarding why their trial failed.  

Most are absurd.  Experences like telling the Borrower he did not pass the 3 months of payments, when he did.

Or the Borrower did not respond in the right amount of time. 

Or the Borrower used the wrong means of notification to the (usually the Servicer), whatever that means at that moment.   Or the Borrower used the wrong form, and the particularly nasty, your Servicer has changed and you must start over.  

My client right now who we are about to file into state court, was told every one of these things above.  She is stilled scared to death it is going to be a problem in the Lawsuit, or Petition as a lawsuit is called in Missouri.  Read More

But, check out the recently upgraded YouTube Channel @mtgfrd or search "Danny Hammond Foreclosure that should get you in.  Leave comments.  And if you think I am on the right track, then like all the good ones say, "Subscribe, join, and hit the like button. It doesn't cost anything, but if enough of us join in it could make money.  We don't need as much as we used to.  It can be done with a small staff.  I have now seen it.

If you get a chance try the YouTube Channel all you have to put in search is "  @mtgfrd  "  If that doesn't work you can search "Danny Hammond Foreclosure"  I think that will take you right there.

More information here tomorrow.   You can email me at

Sunday, August 25, 2024

What If Your Wrongful Foreclosure Was Already Void, But You Were Unaware Of This Fact?

If you don't stick to your values when they're being tested, they're not values: they're hobbies.
               Jon Stewart

Republished by Danny Hammond of the 3/4 court press

I have just read a very long email from a borrower who was trying to tell me how he had proven over and over that the foreclosing party which does not exist, did not have the right to foreclose. He has been in court for years and suffered nearly unimaginable suffering and pain and costs.

But, I can imagine. I can remember. Trying to figure out the courts.

It shouldn't be that hard, should it? The courts seem crazy. But, what if Chuck's court is only incompetent? What if this judge is just a no-talent judge guy.

This judge won't learn anything because the other judge guys will protect him from the Borrower. He will protect his other judge guys also, so.....they won't learn anything either. That's how judges go. They are Knuckleheads. They all used to be attorney guys.

I know this is true. After years of working it out, I know that the majority of judges in these mortgage fraud cases are hopelessly devoid of knowledge of, or experience with, real estate chains of title or real estate law, or finance.

When I reply to him I know what I will say. It has been going around in my head like a song for a year. It will go something like this: CONTINUE READING

Check out the recently upgraded YouTube Channel @mtgfrd or search "Danny Hammond Foreclosure that should get you in.  Leave comments.  And if you think I am on the right track, then like all the good ones say, "Subscribe, join, and hit the like button. It doesn't cost anything, but if enough of us join in it could make money.  We don't need as much as we used to.  It can be done with a small staff.  I have now seen it.

If you get a chance try the YouTube Channel all you put in search is "  @mtgfrd  "  If that doesn't work you can search "Danny Hammond Foreclosure"  I think that will take you right there.

More informatrion here tomorrow.   You can email me at

Thursday, May 30, 2024



And the men who hold high places, Must be the ones who start, To mold a new reality, 
Closer to the heart, Closer to the heart

The blacksmith and the artist, Reflect it in their art, They forge their creativity, 
Closer to the heart, Yes closer to the heart

Philosophers and ploughmen, Each must know his part, To sow a new mentality, 
Closer to the heart, Yes closer to the heart, yeah

You can be the captain, And I will draw the chart, Sailing into destiny,
Closer to the heart, Closer to the heart
                                                          by the Rock Band "Rush"

by Danny Hammond of the 3/4 Court Press

This is the stupidest news story of all time.  The Department of Justice can't find a bunch of original Promissory Notes. 

We have known that for six years. In that time we have never seen even one truly legal original Promissory Note.

But it sure does help me make my point.

In a filing unsealed on June 3, 2016, the Department of Justice (DOJ) confirms what many of us have known for years. Nobody, not even the U.S. Government, with massive resources, can determine who owns your loan and has the right to collect on your promissory note.

(In hindsight many of those I visit with have learned that the ownership is of the 
debt the Note represents)

The information comes from case files unsealed on June 3, 2016, by Federal Judge Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers of the Northern District of California in the case of the United States v. Discovery Sales, Inc.

The case involves some 325 fraudulent loans originated by Discovery Sales, Inc. (DSI) between 2006 and 2008, many of which were then sold to Wells Fargo Bank and JPMorgan Chase to securitize.

Click on the badge above to READ MORE - To Comment or Ask Questions

Check out the recently upgraded YouTube Channel @mtgfrd or search "Danny Hammond Foreclosure that should get you in.  Leave comments.  And if you think I am on the right track, then like all the good ones say, "Subscribe, join, and hit the like button. It doesn't cost anything, but if enough of us join in it could make money.  We don't need as much as we used to.  It can be done with a small staff.  I have now seen it.

If you get a chance try the YouTube Channel all you put in search is "  @mtgfrd  "  If that doesn't work you can search "Danny Hammond Foreclosure"  I think that will take you right there.

More informatrion here tomorrow.   You can email me at

Thursday, January 4, 2024



"Turn this thing around, 
 I will not go quietly, 
 I will not lie down, 
 I will not go quietly"
                           Don Henley

Pro Se means:  I am representing myself in court

Read More Below

MISSOURI STATE JUDGE MARCO A. ROLDAN made this ruling and you can read his very clear explanation Click Here

Check out the recently upgraded YouTube Channel @mtgfrd or search "Danny Hammond Foreclosure that should get you in.  Leave comments.  And if you think I am on the right track, then like all the good ones say, "Subscribe, join, and hit the like button. It doesn't cost anything, but if enough of us join in it could make money.  We don't need as much as we used to.  It can be done with a small staff.  I have now seen it.

If you get a chance try the YouTube Channel all you put in search is "  @mtgfrd  "  If that doesn't work you can search "Danny Hammond Foreclosure"  I think that will take you right there.

More informatrion here tomorrow.   You can email me at

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

A Very Comprehensive Analysis of Article III Standing. Every Citizen Should Read Every Word. When Your Brain Begins To Spin Stop. Put It Away And Get Back To It Later

"I have complete faith in the continued absurdity of whatever's going on."

                                                                                                  John Stewart 

Lots of State Judges in lots of states mostly believe they are not bound by the Constitution.  They think that is the end of the matter.  However, if your state judge has ruled against you and Granted your home to the foreclosing  party that could not pass the federal requirements of Standing Your judge has just violated you of your Constitutional Civil Rights.  The rights given you in the 5th and 14th Amendments to the US Constitution.  "Due Process"  You can Challenge the Standing of the foreclosing party at ANY TIME. 

After a miserable 10 years fighting ignorant judges, everything I write is based on your constitutional civil rights.  That is the only law left for us.  Stop believing that there is a magic statute.  All of the old statutes are still very good.  But, a question continually goes through my mind.  The laws are fine.  The laws are good.  They have not been changed.

But you tell me.   "Is a law a law, If it is not enforced?"

That is the problem that none of us expected to be "THE PROBLEM",  but it is.


Would you like a free review of your loan and foreclosure documents?

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

America is Not The Greatest Country In The World. But, It Could Be.

“I decided I could lose nothing by trying the soft approach. If that didn't produce for me—and I didn't think it would—nature could take its course and we could bust up the furniture.”                                  

Phillip Marlowe character from Raymond Chandler's – The Lady In The Lake 

Posted by Danny Hammond during late night TV

From: "Newsroom" The Popular HBO TV Series 1st Episode on 24 June 2012, HBO Starring Jeff Daniels as Will McAvoy the highest-rated television newscaster in the country.

Will McAvoy sits onstage with two other journalists and he is an outspoken man. He is obviously holding in a lot more than the others guess. 

A question and answer period begins with a young female college student from the attendees walks to the microphone and says, "this question is, can you tell me in two sentences why America is the greatest country in the world"? 

One of the panelists quickly answers, "Freedom". 

The girl turns to Will, "Mr. McAvoy"?

Will answers sharply with a forced smile, "The New York Mets". 

The Moderator mildly berates him as Will holds his hand over his eyes to block the sun coming through a high window.  He is trying to read two small signs that someone in the crowd is holding in succession. The first one reads, "America is not the greatest country in the world.", and the second one, "But it could be". 

Will can't see who is handling the two signs, but he slowly gets the message that someone is telling him the answer he knows is what he believes. 

The Moderator:   Come on Will, I can't let you get away without answering better than that. 

Will: Ok, fine.  It's not. 

The Moderator: Are you saying... 

Will:   It's not the greatest country in the world, professor, that's my answer. 

Moderator: [pause] You are saying... 

Will: Yes. 

Moderator: Let's talk about... 

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

I Quit Consulting With Borrowers Regarding Foreclosure Fraud for Two Reasons.

And the men who hold high places,  Must be the ones to Start, 
To mold a new reality, Closer to the Heart.

The Blacksmith and the Artist, Reflect it in their art
and Forge their creativity, Closer to the Heart.

Philosophers and Ploughmen, Each must know his part 
& Sow a new Mentality, Closer to the Heart.

You can be the Captain and I will draw the Chart, 
Sailing into destiny, Closer to the Heart.

Closer to the Heart. 
                                                    Rock Band "Rush"

1.  I Finally Realized We Were Going About It With Our Beliefs In Laws That Could Never Help Us. 

This was becaue the old laws do exist just like always.  The old laws which have been around since most of the territories became states, ARE NOT BEING ENFORCED.   

There are laws still being enforced that specfically address this problem.  They are not your state laws even if you address them in a state court.  They are in the base root laws in the Constitution of the United States.  There is no such thing as "the right to foreclose" which your foreclosing party asserts.

The right that they must have is the right to collect money from you.  Did you see your foreclosing party's name on your Promissory Note.  I am betting you did not.  I am positive you did not.

As the Borrower, you have no responsibility to "Prove that you have the victim of fraud."  Not understanding that has taken up 15 years of my time on the wrong end of my life.  "It is called burden."

The burden of proof in a foreclosure situation is squarely the burden of the foreclosing party and to an even Greater Extent upon the Judge.  It is part of the civil rights amendments that pertain to everyone in the United States.  You included.  You have the civil right, and always have had, to Due Process.  That is, you have a right to the same laws as everyone else to have your case watched over by a judge who uses the laws and fullfils his duties that he gave an oath to do when he was "hired" to be a judge.

2.  Borrowers, about to lose their homes, believe me when I tell them the above, but they can't do it.  

We all have been indoctrinated since childhood to believe that the sytem is America and it is just.  If we have nothing to hide, there is a system of laws that will protect us.   We believe that the word "attorney" is synomous with the word "law" when it is not.  The system was to be taken care of By The People.  It is being taken care of By The Attorneys.  Remember judges are attorneys.  They are all in the same cult.

The Borrowers (including myself) had this untrue vision that if you have a legal problem, the solution was to get an attorney and if your cause was true and good your attorney would guide you to prevailing.  

Oh, my dear children.  You know that something is more wrong than this, don't you.

You just can't shake the idea that attorneys and law are two parts of the same thing.

You will most assuedly keep that notion until they run you out of money, out of time and out of options.  When you have no money, when you have no time, when you are out of time, you will call me.  A Borrower, who has already reached that point.  Hopefully you won't comb the internet for someone trying to sell you a program whose purpose is to make money.

There is a better way.  But, you must get involved and know the material.  Know the true issues.
Face the fact that this is really happening and that even I can't help you unless you are willing to help yourself.  It is the American dream.  Act like it is the dream you wanted.

                                                    - To Comment or Ask Questions

Friday, May 12, 2023

Jeffrey Stephan 2nd Deposition: How Do You Confess To 10,000 Foreclosure Forgeries Per Month and No One Goes To Jail? Why Doesn't The American Public Know? These Are Well-Published Facts.

"If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace".   
                         December 19, 1776, Thomas Paine, The American Crisis, ...

I am not posting the 2nd deposition of the most notorious
Robo-Signor of alll time so you can learn something new.
It is because you won't. I spend the day telling stories about
the home loans of American Borrowers including you.

                                                                                            by Danny Hammond of the 3/4 Court Press


Sunday, May 7, 2023


 (Mortgage Meltdown Is The Wrong Terminology.  It was a Wall Street Meltdown)

These words below do not come from current events.  They aren't the only quotes from this famous writer. They all have something to do with my thinking, as I have tried to do the right thing for all Borrowers who were cheated from obtaining the American Dream.
 “Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.”

 “Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one.”
 “Understand at last that you have something in you more powerful and divine than what causes the bodily passions, and pulls you like a mere puppet. What thoughts now occupy my mind? Is it not fear, suspicion, desire, or something like that?”
 "The art of living is more like wrestling than dancing, because an artful life requires being prepared to meet and withstand sudden and unexpected attacks.”
 “You shouldn’t give circumstances the power to rouse anger, for they don’t care at all.”  Anger is not thought.  Anger is anti-thought.
 Marcus Aurelius Antoninus was Roman emperor from 161 to 180 AD and a Stoic philosopher. He was the last of the rulers known, non-contemporaneously, as the Five Good Emperors and the last emperor of the Pax Romana, an age of relative peace, calmness and stability for the Roman Empire lasting from 27 BC to 180 AD

by Danny Hammond of the 3/4 Court Press

For those of you who have followed the news for the last several weeks, did you notice that four medium banks had failed suddenly?
 The word "medium" is what I would like to point out first.  These were medium banks by todays measure.  Before 1999 they would have been mega banks.  But, the last of these four recent banks to fail and be snatched up by the one time failures of Wall was purchased by JpMorgan Chase Bank a bank that is mega by today's standards.  JpMorgan Bank, Bank of America, Citi, Wells Fargo
 In September 2008, Congress approved the “Bailout Bill,” which provided $700 billion to add emergency liquidity to the markets. Through the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) passed in October 2008, the U.S. Treasury added billions more to stabilize financial markets - including buying equity in banks.
Now, if you don't know this you should.  That when you read the government used money to prop up the same broke banks that stole our houses that the government they were talking about was our government.  In other words, you as a taxpayer and all of your taxpayer compadres took this burden on our consolidated taxpayer backs.
The Federal Reserve began buying the same mortgage-backed securities that myself  
and everyone I know that thinks about this stuff looked for many years years to find any mortgage-backed securities and found none.  The Federal Reserve which is not part of the US Government is an association of US Banks has been buying $40 Billion of mortgage-backed securities every month by printing the money (which is very, very inflationary) with our money printer which is again placed on the backs of the US taxpayers.  (If you are a taxpayer this includes you)
What caused all this ruckus?  Well our government in 1934 was nothing like the lunatic asylum that it is today.   Smart men with no television and no mega yachts, and believed in facts and truth studied what caused the 1929 Wall Street Crash and the ensuing Great Depression.  The law that they came up with was called the Glass-Steagall Finance Act of 1934.
Any one can understand that the two most important parts of it are what kept our country's economy safe for nearly 70 years.  In 1999 the democrat president Clinton and a Republican Congress thought it would be best if they repealed Glass-Steagall in full without putting back any laws in its place.  8 years later all of our lives were destroyed and we were left with nothing except the pleasure of paying all of the broke mega banks money to make them rich again.  And we have a worn out money printer to replace.


Saturday, May 6, 2023




“I know no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them, but to inform their discretion by education. This is the true corrective of abuses of constitutional power.”

― Thomas Jefferson, "Letters of Thomas Jefferson"


by Danny Hammond


Tuesday, August 18, 2020



The below table represents our current knowledge of which states use mortgages (judicial) or deeds of trust (non-judicial) or both. The table also includes estimated foreclosure timelines for each state. Please check with your local county government to verify this information. 

Compare all state foreclosure timelines on this simple one-page chart and click on any state name to read about detailed foreclosure procedures for that state.

State         Judicial Non-Judicial Comment Process Period** Publish Sale** Redemption Period** Sale/NTS

Alabama                          Judicial rarely      49-74                21                            365                              Trustee

Alaska Judicial rarely 105 65 365* Trustee

Arizona Judicial rarely 90+ 41 30-180* Trustee

Arkansas Both                         70 30 365* Trustee

California Judicial rarely 117 21 365* Trustee

Colorado Judicial rarely 145 60 None Trustee

Connecticut   Judicial only 62 NA Court Decides Court

Delaware   Judicial only 170-210 60-90 None Sheriff

Florida   Judicial only 135 NA None Court

Georgia Judicial rarely 37 32 None Trustee

Hawaii Both 220 60 None Trustee

Idaho Trustee Sale 150 45 365 Trustee

Illinois   Judicial only 300 NA 90 Court

Indiana   Judicial only 261 120 None Sheriff

Iowa Trustee Sale Voluntary 160 30 20 Sheriff

Kansas   Judicial only 130 21 365 Sheriff

Kentucky   Judicial only 147 NA 365 Court

Louisiana   Judicial only 180 NA None Sheriff

Maine   Judicial only 240 30 90 Court

Maryland   Judicial only 46 30 Court Decides Court

Massachusetts   Judicial only 75 41 None Court

Michigan   Non-Judicial only 60 30 30-365 Sheriff

Minnesota Non-Judicial mostly 90-100 7 180 Sheriff

Mississippi Non-Judicial mostly 90 30 None Trustee

Missouri Non-Judicial mostly 60 10 365 Trustee

Montana Trustee Sale mostly 150 50 None Trustee

Nebraska   Judicial only 142 NA None Sheriff

Nevada Trustee Sale mostly 116 80 None Trustee

New Hampshire   Non-Judicial only 59 24 None Trustee

New Jersey   Judicial only 270 NA 10 Sheriff

New Mexico   Judicial only 180 NA 30-270 Court

New York   Judicial only 445 NA None Court

North Carolina Non-Judicial mostly 110 25 None Sheriff

North Dakota   Judicial only 150 NA 180-365 Sheriff

Ohio   Judicial only 217 NA None Sheriff

Oklahoma Judicial mostly 186 NA None Sheriff

Oregon Trustee Sale mostly 150 30 180 Trustee

Pennsylvania   Judicial only 270 NA None Sheriff

Rhode Island  Non-judicial mostly 62 21 None Trustee

South Carolina   Judicial only 150 NA None Court

South Dakota Judicial mostly 150 23 30-365 Sheriff

Tennessee    Non-judicial only 40-45 20-25 730 Trustee

Texas  Non-Judicial mostly 27 NA None Trustee

Utah   Non-Judicial Only 142 NA Court Decides Trustee

Vermont   Judicial only 95 NA 180-365 Court

Virginia Trustee Sale mostly 45 14-28 None Trustee

Washington Trustee Sale mostly 135 90 None Trustee

Washington D.C.   Trustee Sale only 47 18 None Trustee

West Virginia   Trustee Sale only 60-90 30-60 None Trustee

Wisconsin Judicial mostly 290 NA 365 Sheriff

Wyoming Non-judicial mostly 60 25 90-365 Sheriff


* Judicial Foreclosures Only

** In days+