You Can Also See Danny Hammond Speaking His Mind At "Deep Thoughts While Staring At A Wall"
Showing posts with label I can't afford a foreclosure attorney. Show all posts
Showing posts with label I can't afford a foreclosure attorney. Show all posts

Saturday, December 28, 2024


     "When they call the roll in the Senate, the Senators do not know whether to answer 'Present' or 'Not guilty.”        Theodore Roosevelt

FHFA stands for Federal Housing Finance Agency:

  • What it does:
  • The FHFA is an independent agency that regulates and supervises Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and the Federal Home Loan Banks. The FHFA's mission is to promote a safer and stronger housing finance system in the United States. 
  • How it's funded:
  • The FHFA is funded by a portion of the budgets of Fannie, Freddie, and the FHLBanks. 
  • Who leads it:
  • The Honorable Sandra L. Thompson is the Director of the FHFA. She was sworn in on June 22, 2022. 
  • What it's responsible for:
  • Ensuring the regulated entities operate in the public interest 
  • Addressing barriers to sustainable housing opportunities for underserved communities 
  • Overseeing the fulfillment of the statutory purposes of the regulated entities)
  • Promoting the safety and soundness of the regulated entities 

  • Danny Hammond Version:  The United States formed this entity to protect Fannie Mae (FNMA) and Freddie Mac (Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (FHLMC)) from being sued by victims of their illeagal actions which facilitated millions of the fraudulent foreclosures.
  • Fannie Mae foreclosed on $5 million worth of investment property that my wife and I had worked very hard on and and with earnings from other real estate projects we were able set the money aside to build these properties and we paid cash and had no loans.
  • I am questioned often on how that can be true. Why do I think It is true?  Because Fannie and Freddie which were not part of the government before the Obama administration took them over after their own internal fraudulent acts caused the spectacular failures of Fannie, Freddie, and Ginne, the Obama Administration made them part of the government (as state actors) and you can't sue the government.  I have had a Federal Lawsuit against them since 2015.
  • There are several recent court rulings that have determined that Fannie and Freddie are, in fact, not state actors.  

Friday, October 4, 2024

If You Believe In Borrowers Getting A Modification To Protect Them From Foreclosure, I Have A Unicorn In My Basement I Might Be Willing To Sell

They're leaving you nothing and nowhere to go
Just put you in the corner like an old banjo
The strings are breakin' but you can't say no
You're runnin' with the devil and it's touch and go

                                               Emerson Lake and Powel (Running with the Devil)

by Danny Hammond
of the 3/4 Court Press
I am getting an increasing number of pleas for me to help people who think they are in the middle of a Modification of their loan. I thought we were done with that in 2012. Modifications usually start with a 3 month "trial" to see if you can now pay on time. 

Everyone that calls me passed this part according to the rules given to them. Pay 3 month on time. Then the wickedness sets in. All sorts of "reasons" begin to be received by the Borrower regarding why their trial failed.  

Most are absurd.  Experences like telling the Borrower he did not pass the 3 months of payments, when he did.

Or the Borrower did not respond in the right amount of time. 

Or the Borrower used the wrong means of notification to the (usually the Servicer), whatever that means at that moment.   Or the Borrower used the wrong form, and the particularly nasty, your Servicer has changed and you must start over.  

My client right now who we are about to file into state court, was told every one of these things above.  She is stilled scared to death it is going to be a problem in the Lawsuit, or Petition as a lawsuit is called in Missouri.  Read More

But, check out the recently upgraded YouTube Channel @mtgfrd or search "Danny Hammond Foreclosure that should get you in.  Leave comments.  And if you think I am on the right track, then like all the good ones say, "Subscribe, join, and hit the like button. It doesn't cost anything, but if enough of us join in it could make money.  We don't need as much as we used to.  It can be done with a small staff.  I have now seen it.

If you get a chance try the YouTube Channel all you have to put in search is "  @mtgfrd  "  If that doesn't work you can search "Danny Hammond Foreclosure"  I think that will take you right there.

More information here tomorrow.   You can email me at