You Can Also See Danny Hammond Speaking His Mind At "Deep Thoughts While Staring At A Wall"
Showing posts with label Servicer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Servicer. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

I Have Good News - And That Will Bring On Some Changes In How I Think We Can Win


When I was younger, so much younger than today, I never needed anybody's help in any way. 

But now these days are gone, I'm not so self-assured, 

Now I find, I've changed my mind, and opened up the doors.

                                                                                The Beatles

I have been doing this for 14 years.  I have never met another borrower who had lost more than I have.  Not just money, I have lost the most I have heard about and worked with, but I have lost so much family, friends and my own youth.

Last June, I realized I had gotten old fighting something so big that it made no sense to think it was winnable.

But, maybe it is.  I have just done something so remarkable, that I haven't said much to anyone.

By 2012, I knew what we had to do and I knew why it would work.  But, I couldn't solve the end.  Napolean's "Ta Dum."

I have taken 6 straight Borrower's to a win.  That is not anything I ever even thought about.  It seems really odd to say it now.  It wasn't dramatic.  They all happened just as they should.  It changes everything.

I had not done anything with any Borrowers for 3 years.  I was absolutely exhausted.

Then recently, it hit me that I knew what to do and I was just holding back because I thought that if it was just another almost right idea, I might go crazy.  I have had a YouTube Channel for more than ten years.  It never did anything and this website outperformed it many, many times over.  

But, I was ready to change the last piece of the puzzle and I was looking for where it would work best.  I made four quick videos and placed them on my YouTube Channel with 18 older ones.  YouTube had changed.  It works.  I got the 6 clients in one week and they all looked like they would work.  131 days later they all were quiet wins.  No marching bands, no confetti in the streets,  No huge balloon characters held down by 20 people with ropes.  It went just like all of us thought it should.

It could still be some unearthly quirk.  Luck.  Dumb luck.  I don't think so, though.  It was just so logical.

I am going after my properties now.  I am rejuvenated.  Not hysterically so.  Just ready.

None of the six have been able to pay me even what little I asked for.  I am not upset about that.  They just wanted so badly to not lose their home.  I am upset that so many of us have fought it so long that no one can afford what this can be done for today.  It is going to be much less expensive than what so many of us have spent.

I have always wanted to put a big group together and use it to raise money so everyone has a chance.  None of my early ideas worked.  I have always thought it was going to take a monstrous journalist or movie star to shine a spotlight on the problem.

I have adapted there now, also.  I know how to do it.

I want to use YouTubes new ideas and add Patreon and Telegram and raise the money with the 30 million Americans who lost their homes.  I am starting today.  I am wrapping up the last of the six and I took on one other that could not pay, but there were some great things I could learn from it.  I'll let all of you know if I am right.  Intellectually I am sure.  

But, emotionally I am waiting for the other shoe to drop.  I don't feel it yet.  But, in ways it is better to know it than feel it.

If you would like to have us evaluate your situation please fill out this form:

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Monday, March 4, 2024


 “Court business is a hell of a problem. It’s a good deal like politics. It asks for the highest type of men and women, and there’s nothing in it to attract the highest type of men and women. So we have to work with what we get...” 

                                                        Paraphrasing of ― Raymond Chandler, The Lady in the Lake


Danny Hammond of The 3/4 Court Press
The single largest cause of the 2008 meltdown was a home loan product that has been used for many years safely and effectively.

That is until the bankers which control government and courts added a little time bomb that is estimated to have caused ten million families to lose their homes.  If it was done intentionally and with design and forethought then every investment banker in America should be in prison. (of course, it was intentional) If it was an ignorant unintentional global screw up, then every banker in America should be in prison. It doesn’t matter if there was malicious intent or no malice was even present, the result is the same. CONTINUING READING 

I will leave messages here.  But, check out the recently upgraded YouTube Channel @mtgfrd or search "Danny Hammond Foreclosure that should get you in.  Leave comments.  And if you think I am on the right track, then like all the good ones say, "Subscribe, join, and hit the like button. It doesn't cost anything, but if enough of us join in it could make money.  We don't need as much as we used to.  It can be done with a small staff.  I have now seen it.

If you get a chance try the YouTube Channel all you put in search is "  @mtgfrd  "  If that doesn't work you can search "Danny Hammond Foreclosure"  I think that will take you right there.

More informatrion here tomorrow.   You can email me at

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

I Quit Consulting With Borrowers Regarding Foreclosure Fraud for Two Reasons.

And the men who hold high places,  Must be the ones to Start, 
To mold a new reality, Closer to the Heart.

The Blacksmith and the Artist, Reflect it in their art
and Forge their creativity, Closer to the Heart.

Philosophers and Ploughmen, Each must know his part 
& Sow a new Mentality, Closer to the Heart.

You can be the Captain and I will draw the Chart, 
Sailing into destiny, Closer to the Heart.

Closer to the Heart. 
                                                    Rock Band "Rush"

1.  I Finally Realized We Were Going About It With Our Beliefs In Laws That Could Never Help Us. 

This was becaue the old laws do exist just like always.  The old laws which have been around since most of the territories became states, ARE NOT BEING ENFORCED.   

There are laws still being enforced that specfically address this problem.  They are not your state laws even if you address them in a state court.  They are in the base root laws in the Constitution of the United States.  There is no such thing as "the right to foreclose" which your foreclosing party asserts.

The right that they must have is the right to collect money from you.  Did you see your foreclosing party's name on your Promissory Note.  I am betting you did not.  I am positive you did not.

As the Borrower, you have no responsibility to "Prove that you have the victim of fraud."  Not understanding that has taken up 15 years of my time on the wrong end of my life.  "It is called burden."

The burden of proof in a foreclosure situation is squarely the burden of the foreclosing party and to an even Greater Extent upon the Judge.  It is part of the civil rights amendments that pertain to everyone in the United States.  You included.  You have the civil right, and always have had, to Due Process.  That is, you have a right to the same laws as everyone else to have your case watched over by a judge who uses the laws and fullfils his duties that he gave an oath to do when he was "hired" to be a judge.

2.  Borrowers, about to lose their homes, believe me when I tell them the above, but they can't do it.  

We all have been indoctrinated since childhood to believe that the sytem is America and it is just.  If we have nothing to hide, there is a system of laws that will protect us.   We believe that the word "attorney" is synomous with the word "law" when it is not.  The system was to be taken care of By The People.  It is being taken care of By The Attorneys.  Remember judges are attorneys.  They are all in the same cult.

The Borrowers (including myself) had this untrue vision that if you have a legal problem, the solution was to get an attorney and if your cause was true and good your attorney would guide you to prevailing.  

Oh, my dear children.  You know that something is more wrong than this, don't you.

You just can't shake the idea that attorneys and law are two parts of the same thing.

You will most assuedly keep that notion until they run you out of money, out of time and out of options.  When you have no money, when you have no time, when you are out of time, you will call me.  A Borrower, who has already reached that point.  Hopefully you won't comb the internet for someone trying to sell you a program whose purpose is to make money.

There is a better way.  But, you must get involved and know the material.  Know the true issues.
Face the fact that this is really happening and that even I can't help you unless you are willing to help yourself.  It is the American dream.  Act like it is the dream you wanted.

                                                    - To Comment or Ask Questions

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

"SUE YOUR FORECLOSURE JUDGE": That Slogan Is Not Completely Correct In Essence; It Is A Simple Phrase I Use To Get Your Attention Directed To The Inescapable Fact That There Is Only One Party Responsible For ALL Of The Illegal Acts In Your Foreclosure Case

Get a Review of Your Foreclosure Case

by Danny Hammond

If you have been wanting to know more about my "Sue Your Foreclosure Judge" slogan, the truth is that it should be called: 

"Sue The Citizen That Was Not A Judge Because He Had Disobeyed His Oath And Constitutional Law When He Had Not Reviewed The Filings To Determine Whether The Foreclosing Party Had Met the Constitutional Requirements For Standing".

However, that is not as catchy or as easy to understand.

This subject brings 12,000 visits to my website each and every month.  But, I am puzzled that I don't understand the reason why they come.

When I do the Zoom classes I never have anyone argue or debate whether I am right.  I get many questions and seems like Borrowers understand the answers.  Then they leave that thought and start telling me every mean and nasty thing that was done to them by everyone that participated in cases that lasted 2 to 12 years.  None of that matters.  Their cases, my cases, your case, they are all void and they never happened anyway.  We are all still at the beginning of the case.  At the starting line.  Your judge has already injured you and his actions represent the worst violations of law that a judge can commit.

I have told you the reason your case has lasted too long, but I have somehow done all of you a disservice.  I am not getting across to you that your research, and studying, and collaborating with Borrowers who have had similar experiences, and hiring attorneys is, all of it, wasting your time, lowering your resolve, and spending more money than you have.

In other words, that paragraph is the only plan that the bad guys have used since 2001.  Their antics are part of some grand scheme to get you to research and collaborate with others and hire attorneys to take up your time, lower your resolve and break your back and ass.  They could not do it if judges were just doing a bad job of carrying out the law.  But, no.  They are giving it all that they got to take your house and give it to a stranger and break CONSTITUTIONAL LAWS concerning your civil rights to Due Process of Law which can be found in the 5th and 14th amendments to the Constitution and which are civil rights.

What happens when you hear what I say and you believe my reasoning, but you can't quite see why it is true.  I think that it is because what I am telling you is "UNBELIEVABLE".  And it really is.  

But, now you have seen an attempted "coup d'état" by a group of Americans whose goal was to take over the government in the building where the government was governing the United States in order to overthrow the democratically elected government.  And please.  Don't accuse me of being for a democrat or republican, or whatever else your weakness to fend off conspiracy lies makes you believe.  You are on my website.  I am trying to help you for free.  It shouldn't make any difference if I was a martian.  Get over yourself.


Get a Review of Your Foreclosure Case