You Can Also See Danny Hammond Speaking His Mind At "Deep Thoughts While Staring At A Wall"
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
I Used To Have A List Of All Of The Bad Guys I Have Dealt With In Support Of My Foreclosure Clients. I Did Not Find The Full List Yet. But, I Am Posting What I Did Find Here Today. I Don't Know Why.
Sunday, February 2, 2025
US Bank, Its Trust Department, Or Its Meddling Henchmen Have Been Showing Up In 75% Of All Of Our Foreclosure Cases In The Last Few Years. Are They A Criminal Operation?
Yes, They Are a Criminal Organization.
In the battle to defend your home from wrongful foreclosure, homeowners often find themselves up against big names like U.S. Bank, Deutsche Bank, or Bank of New York Mellon. These “trustees” appear on foreclosure documents, often leading homeowners to believe these institutions are actively managing their loans and directly pulling the strings in the foreclosure process. But here’s the truth: *They’re not*.
We have been using a US Bank Trust Department marketing brochure for years that makes their role as a loan trustee or a mortgage-backed security trustee (the word trustee has many meaning in foreclosures. This confuses Borrowers and it is intentional. But, the marketing brochure put out by the US Bank Trust Department makes what "CAN'T HAPPEN" crystal clear. It’s like hearing from the horse’s mouth that the supposed power these trustees hold over your mortgage is largely a facade. This document exposes a shocking reality that many homeowners – and even their attorneys – don’t fully understand. Let’s break it down.
In U.S. Bank’s own words, as a trustee for Mortgage-Backed Securities (MBS), they perform a narrow set of duties:
– They hold an interest in mortgage loans for the benefit of investors.
– They collect payments from the servicer and distribute them to the investors.
– They do not initiate foreclosures.
– They do not manage or maintain properties in foreclosure.
– They do not approve loan modifications.
– They do not oversee or direct the actions of mortgage servicers.
So, what does this mean for homeowners fighting foreclosure? U.S. Bank's Trustees (and Trustees Like Them) Will Always Lack Standing to Foreclose. It is not the Borrower's burden to try to prove the foreclosure attempt is fraudulent. That is the terrible misunderstanding that all of us have been under since the very beginning.
The Borrower's only burden is to deny that they are in default with anyone trying to clollect money from them by foreclosing.
Saturday, December 28, 2024
"When they call the roll in the Senate, the Senators do not know whether to answer 'Present' or 'Not guilty.” Theodore Roosevelt
- What it does:
- The FHFA is an independent agency that regulates and supervises Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and the Federal Home Loan Banks. The FHFA's mission is to promote a safer and stronger housing finance system in the United States.
- How it's funded:
- The FHFA is funded by a portion of the budgets of Fannie, Freddie, and the FHLBanks.
- Who leads it:
- The Honorable Sandra L. Thompson is the Director of the FHFA. She was sworn in on June 22, 2022.
- What it's responsible for:
- Ensuring the regulated entities operate in the public interest
- Addressing barriers to sustainable housing opportunities for underserved communities
- Overseeing the fulfillment of the statutory purposes of the regulated entities)
- Promoting the safety and soundness of the regulated entities
- Danny Hammond Version: The United States formed this entity to protect Fannie Mae (FNMA) and Freddie Mac (Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (FHLMC)) from being sued by victims of their illeagal actions which facilitated millions of the fraudulent foreclosures.
- Fannie Mae foreclosed on $5 million worth of investment property that my wife and I had worked very hard on and and with earnings from other real estate projects we were able set the money aside to build these properties and we paid cash and had no loans.
- I am questioned often on how that can be true. Why do I think It is true? Because Fannie and Freddie which were not part of the government before the Obama administration took them over after their own internal fraudulent acts caused the spectacular failures of Fannie, Freddie, and Ginne, the Obama Administration made them part of the government (as state actors) and you can't sue the government. I have had a Federal Lawsuit against them since 2015.
- There are several recent court rulings that have determined that Fannie and Freddie are, in fact, not state actors.
Tuesday, November 26, 2024
I Have Good News - And That Will Bring On Some Changes In How I Think We Can Win
If you would like to have us evaluate your situation please fill out this form:
Friday, November 15, 2024
The Term "Void" Is Often Used In Contrast To "Voidable" And "Unenforceable". The Main Difference Is That An Action That Is Voidable Remains Valid Until It Is Avoided.
Saturday, August 31, 2024
Accounting Of The Foreclosure Sale Proceeds, Credit Bid and; Deficiencey Or Surplus Due To The Borrower
If you would like to have us evaluate your situation free please fill out this form:
Wednesday, June 19, 2024
The Crux of the Matter, The Thing itself, There is No Other THING, Because The Crux of The Matter, is That You Were Foreclosed On With The Assignment of Your Mortgage Or Deed of Trust.
This Is Not Possible in Law or Magic
"The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you've got it made."
Groucho Marx
of the 3/4 Court Press
This was a strange evening. I woke up in my recliner at 6 pm, only I thought it was 6 am. So I got up and had some breakfast, found out what my Ukrainian friends had accomplished, and began to read emails then I noticed it was 7 pm and I didn't now know, if it was the day before or the day after. Then I realized that I was asking myseslf that question but I didn't know what I meant by after.
But, it was about to get weirder.
The very first email I opened generated the following response from me. It had to do with an affidavit by a "not so much" expert witness. It seems the Fake Foreclosing Party had lost the mortgage (or deed of trust depends on where you live, Reader). The expert witness was asking for a new mortgage so that it could be assigned (wtf?) because the real mortgage had been lost.
If you have read anything here and retained it, then you know that you can't lose a mortgage and that the assignment of your security instrument (mortgage, deed of trust, security deed etc.) simply cannot be done. That it is not even that kind of a document. READ MORE
Would you like a free review of your loan docs?
Wednesday, January 10, 2024
What Is Up With The Judges In Wrongful Foreclosure Cases?" This Is Another Post Inspired By My Good Friend Tom Kibler. He Knows More About Statute and Case Law Than Anyone. He Copied Me An Email He Had Sent To A Large Number Of People. Since 2010 Everyone Has Been Searching For The Statute Or Case Law "Silver Bullet'".
Friday, November 10, 2023
I Have Been Involuntarily Running All Of This Through My Head Every Day For Ten Years. Is There Any Hope? Yeah, I Think So, If More Of Us Work Together
You should never see an "Escalator Temporarily Out Of Order" sign;
just "Escalator Temporarily Stairs. Sorry for the convenience."
Tom Kibler & Danny Hammond & Mitch Hedberg
Everyone is a critic!
I'm talking about the real owners now, the real owners, the big wealthy business interests that control things and make all the important decisions. Forget the politicians.
Monday, November 6, 2023
It Doesn't Matter When You Demand A Jury Trial. The Judgment Was Void, But Not Because A Ruling By A Judge Made It Void. Void Had Already Happened, The Foreclosure Case Was Void"
Thursday, November 2, 2023
I Have Counseled Many Borrowers To Forget Finding The Silver Bullet. Now One Has Proved That is Not Necessarily True By Dropping Such A Bullet In My Lap After Visiiting The Website.
Wednesday, November 1, 2023
A Very Comprehensive Analysis of Article III Standing. Every Citizen Should Read Every Word. When Your Brain Begins To Spin Stop. Put It Away And Get Back To It Later
"I have complete faith in the continued absurdity of whatever's going on."
Lots of State Judges in lots of states mostly believe they are not bound by the Constitution. They think that is the end of the matter. However, if your state judge has ruled against you and Granted your home to the foreclosing party that could not pass the federal requirements of Standing Your judge has just violated you of your Constitutional Civil Rights. The rights given you in the 5th and 14th Amendments to the US Constitution. "Due Process" You can Challenge the Standing of the foreclosing party at ANY TIME.
After a miserable 10 years fighting ignorant judges, everything I write is based on your constitutional civil rights. That is the only law left for us. Stop believing that there is a magic statute. All of the old statutes are still very good. But, a question continually goes through my mind. The laws are fine. The laws are good. They have not been changed.
But you tell me. "Is a law a law, If it is not enforced?"
That is the problem that none of us expected to be "THE PROBLEM", but it is.
Would you like a free review of your loan and foreclosure documents?
Wednesday, October 4, 2023
America is Not The Greatest Country In The World. But, It Could Be.
Phillip Marlowe character from Raymond Chandler's – The Lady In The Lake
From: "Newsroom" The Popular HBO TV Series 1st Episode on 24 June 2012, HBO Starring Jeff Daniels as Will McAvoy the highest-rated television newscaster in the country.
Tuesday, July 4, 2023
The Borrower Can Challenge The Assignments Of The Security Instruments Pursuant To The Rulings In "Slorp": The Full Case is Included Here
Just put you in the corner like an old banjo
The strings are breakin' but you can't say no
You're runnin' with the devil and it's touch and go
Republished by Danny Hammond of the 3/4 Court Press
The Imposter Foreclosing Party almost always claims that the Borrower (as the mortgagor) cannot challenge assignments. You did make your Promissory Note negotiable according to the terms of your Promissory Note that you allegedly signed. That is why the foreclosing parties use this interpretation.
But did the foreclosing party buy it legally? No almost assuredly it was never involved in a purchase and sale transaction which even involved any real purchase of your debt.
Wednesday, May 10, 2023
The Constitutional, Irreducible, Minimum Requirements for Standing
“Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities. Truth isn’t.”
Mark Twain
Actually, it is Strange, That Is Truther Than Fiction.
Danny Hammond
If you walk into a 2nd grade elementary school class room and see that all of the boys are standing on their desks shaking their butts, laughing and shouting, and throwing things at the girls in the class, who respond by screaming and running, and then you notice that the 2nd grade teacher is setting at his desk doing nothing to stop the chaos, would you really blame, the children?
No, it is the teacher who is in charge of the room. If the teacher does not enforce the rules of classroom behavior, then the children will act like wild monkeys. How would they know not to?
It is no different than the judge in the court case who is charged with controlling and enforcing correctness in information and procedure in a court case.
If the judge does not enforce the constitution, which is all that keeps this country great; or If the judge does not make the attorneys prove their claims and/ or does not keep them from claiming transfers of ownership of essential Promissory Notes with assignments of incidental security instruments (mortgage or deed of trust) which do nothing but describe the collateral, then, of course the attorneys are going to forge and fake and lie, worse than wild monkeys. (Carpenter v Longan US Sup Ct 1872 from the Colorado Territory (except the monkey part)
Then lack of subject matter jurisdiction is the fault of the judge of the court. He or she has wrongly put the burden of proof of standing on the borrower (very nearly every time), yet it is very clearly the burden of the court. The court is allowing the Borrower to prove he was defrauded. That is bizarre. The very definition of fraud means it was hidden from the borrower.
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